=Ze the youth and the air of buoyancy permeates the atmosphere and we all like it. Now, the college coach must be pessimistic because the enthusiasm Sy uatie muda ue a ear Ce cn ae By being pessimistic the Joe College followers will say, Well, he did a fins job. If he held the seore down and if he should win he a not anes. Fhe collage conch Ss euieevering te inp His J In no realm of activity dees euotion play such a high part as it does in athletics. The spectator is not a sane, logical, person. He goes to the contest to give vent to his feelings, to re- create himself and to forget the worries of this and that; therefore, he becomes either a shouting, wild, fanatic, Se who picks one team and follows it and forgets all about the hard grind of the affairs of business or the profession. Again I say that when a man gives vent to his emoti he ceases to think sanely and intelligently. That is why the college coach is pessimistic toe offset the rabidity of the followers and professi onal coach is enthusiastic to build up attendance, which after all pays the : of professional ball. This build up would naturally come from | the elub omer who would reflect a salary increase or decrease accord~— ing to the sucoess of the tean. i ffl Sincerely yours, ae Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.