Mr. Seu By Busler, 402-404 Land Bank Blidge, 15th West lOth St., Keneeas City, Mos Dear Sam: Thank you for your fine letter of invitation to play golf with you on Monday afternoon, August lith. I am sorry that T hed previously made arrengements to go in for thet afternoon for a physical check-up with my good, amiable friend, Dre Don |. Carlos Peote. If had made this appointment a couple of weeks ago end even though your fine invitation to pley golf is more com pelling then heaving someone listen to my ticker, nevertheless I feel that an individual should be gone over once in a while for safety's sake. The feet that my good friend, Howerd Jones, passed on edly had nothing to do with it. Bver since lest winter en promising Dr. Poete that I would come in for a com rity me F gages going up a couple of days early to be alwei group and their rushees,. after I get back from Iowa if a point to run in for that game of golf. afternoon free with no encumbrances, I can make some of my comections that Citys