However, the coaches went ahead with their organization and elected me the first president of the rules body. I was re-elected the following year, and it happened that I am the only coach ‘to serve two terms as president. I am not boasting about this the fact that I organized and fought for the rules for the good of the game would not show very constructively that I was wedge betwoon any group. Rather,I have worked for the betterment of basketball rules from the beginning. For a number of years I was chairman of the Research Committee for both the Basketball Rules Committee and the Coaches Association. The last two or three years I have refused offices in the Coaches Association because I felt that there were too many fellows in the Rules Committee trying to get certain things done for their betterment rather than for the geme's betterment. Nat Holman and a lot of these fellows have had their faces all over Longine Watch advertisements, others have sponsored bananas and Postum and so forth, which I think is against the best ethics of the coaching profession. I have never been with or for any particular group, but em for the betterment of the game. My argument was to bring @ referee from each section so they would bring the proponents of the different styles closer together. Having officials only from New York when you are meeting New York coaches is not doing for the game the thing that many of the coaches hope. Hank Tha told ms to throw away all the plays we had and just roll, which means pass at angles and run in curves, and set up the post play because the east knows nothing about post plays. That article that you have by Irving Marsh states the oppertunity of different coaches, which is about the same as what Hank Iba said. about one in four games among the top teams, and then they will be lueky to win that one if the westerners used the same system as the easterners of having all western officials. Wouldn't you say, Mao, that from the east to whip a western tegy? ‘That is why my argument has been made, that the west is much better than the east when they go to the east and play under eastern restrictions and still defeat them on the easterners | the floor. The east (is wprogressive. They poohepoched Nat Holman made a statement that he would never let any of his boys use a one-hand shot which shows a prejudice against certain western and middle western activities. The difficulty is that the easterners think New York ie the center-of basketball. It is not. It is the center of publicity of basketball because it is the' clearing