November 18, 1942. br. Howard He NeGee, . Hamlin Rural High School, \ Hamlin, Kansas. Dear Mr. MoGee: Thank you very much for your letter and check of the 16th instent which arrived in this morning's mail. I nae een © oe ee ee ReneS and am mailing it to yous If you will send me a schedule of yow" prac~ tice program I will be glad to offer eny suggestions. I would stress particularly daily drill on individual fundamentals - both offensive and defensive. Then gradually work in team fundamentals. But I would not let them serimmage more than five minutes. You will find a chapter on this in the book, which I am sure will be very helpful to yous If you have questions at amy time I shall be happy to have you write me. With best wishes for your success, I am Sincerely yours, | Direstor of Physical Edueation, PCAsh.H Varsity Basketball Coach.