April 3, 1943. Hrs C. E. McBride, Sports Editor, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dens Sane Concerning our conversation at the B & G Sandwich Shop yesterday afternoon when I told you I would send you the dope on Southern California for our game in 1940, this is it. MoGarvin was the only man of the two teams who went out on personal fouls. He had four. In the game with Colorado in 1942, Doll went out on four personal fouls, as did Huggins. Ralph Miller, of our tean, went out on four personal fouls. So it doesn't look as if I - deliberately planned to foul all of the boys out of the line- “yp because one of our boys went out. Regarding Ensign Bob Matthews’ inquiry, I am returning his letter and posteard to you. Milton Allen in the three years played what I call the quarterback position. He would be listed as the center. On defense he played the apex or defensive center in the line-up, and on the offense he played the quarterback job or the offensive center. We use threes men in the back line and the two forwards in the corners. All our plays emanate from the querterback‘'s position, which is the center man of the three on the back ling. By putting the defensive man in the apex position, which is out in front of the free throw line, it could be easily misunderstood by ‘someone calling him a guard. | Bob and Milton played exactly the same offensive and the same defensive positions and we did not shift them with the exception in the case of Sob when we would get a tough ssorer, then we would sometimes switeh Bob from his apex defensive position to a guard position in picking up their high scorer. But we never did this with Milton. Sinserely yours, » Director of Physical Education, PCA: Al Varsity Basketball Coach.