GEOLMAATHUR «SONS [saboo, WISCONSIN Manutacturers of Superlwk, Supecyym™ BATH TOWELS VlvaTery BaraBoo BATH ROBES CRASH TOWEL/NG September 24, 1942 University of Sansas Lawrence, “ansas Attention: Mr. Allen Director of Physical Fducation Dear Mr. Allen: We certainly did appreciate the order that we received from your school for the 200 dozen SUPER-GYM towels. We are mighty happy that we are able to get started with you, and we sincerely hope that we can continue to supply your needs in the years to come. We have already shipped the 82 dozen standard size red stripe SUPER-TURK towels that we talked about on the phone and on which we received a confirmation wire. The balance of the towels will be along at inter- vals as outlined in my letter of last week. We are very sorry, Mr. Allen, that we cannot give you faster service on these towels, but other committments make it impossible. If we had received your order in August, we might have been ale to give mueh faster service, but you know how things go, and I am sure you will bear with us on this matter. My best personal regards to you, and thanks again for this order. Yours very truly, GEORGE McARTHUR AND SONS Andrew M. McArthur AVMsma