¥ A August 20, 1943. ir. C. E. McBride, Sport Editor, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Missouri. Bear Mac: It just seems as if we don't get very. far when we are around Lawrence, and I imagine the same obtains with you. These old men can really put out the work, can't they, Mac? I am speak- ing about you because that colum of yours never fails in express- ing your many contacts covering many peeas in the United States. I remember Beels Becker so well. ‘In fact, all of your writings of course are very familiar to me because when you were writing regularly for the Star on baseball dope I was conversant with all of the men. : eee when you started on the Kansas City Star back in 1904 I was playing on the K.C.A\@. team and then managed the team the next / year, so all of our active years have been spent with practically the same acquaintances. I cannot realize that all those years have gone before. But as long as we are active we never stop to think how old we are. : : We have a great set up here training all of these Army and Navy men, and we are experiencing a lot of pleasure in doing it. I have nothing on my mind especially only that I have been having in my possession a clipping from the Journal-orld regarding a game of golf that I played back somewhere in July. I notice in the coluwm below that Patty Berg won a golf match on July Srd, and it must have been about that time when I played this game with Dr. Jones, Irving Hill, Guy Smith, and so forth. Dr. Jones is the old University medic who played football in the early days. Of course. you renember because he was a great friend of Bill Hamilton. He is a physician here in town and the father of Dr. Hiram Penfield Jones who operated on General McNair and Gallagher, the AP writer in North Africa. How- ever, Dr. Jones is in very bad shape now at the University hospital with diabetes, Bright's disease and coronary heart, and we are afraid that he won't get out. | ’ Irving Hill was quarterback on the early 1895 - '95 tean at _ the University. ie is. president of the Lawrence National Bank and one of the outstanding citizens in town. Guy Smith is on the Athletic ‘Board and professor of mathematics at the University. Mrs. Revndal is Irving Hill's daughter.