=Zeo We were out playing and I was dubbing along in my usual style, but this time I just started shooting them and they rolled in. Par is 34 here, so shooting 33 is something I had never done before and perhaps will nover do it again. So I am sending you this mute testimony to let you know that I did play one good game of golf. However, I believe this one game spoiled me because I haven't been shooting anything like that since. Yesterday Taft Talbot came down and we played 18 holes. Taft gave me a couple of strokes and we finished a tie without the - two strokes he gave me, but Taft’s game was off so I am not bragging about my golf game. However, I do enjoy playing as much as ever and wish that you played golf because I would try to find some exouse to get you and Helen here for a day's outing some Sunday. I kmow it is useless to ask you because you are about as busy as I am, but I may get to see you September 4th as I understand the Big Six directors are to meet about that time and they are asking the basketball coaches to come in for a schedule-making bee. Gone are the times when we could sit back and relax and talk about old times or the things of the present. Anyhow, Iwant / you to know that I often think of you and wish that we might have | an opportunity to visit and spin yarns as we did of old, but we will do that when this fuss is over. We will win the war first. ia ee and — for you and yours. _ | . fA J Sincerely yours, | ON: Direotor of Physical Education, _ POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.