Mareoh 12, 1945. Mr. C. EZ, MeBride, Sports Editor, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Hoe A Dear Mac: Scie Wai inh Seid D neteed shes Wane selene ee Greighton game at Omaha. ee ee ee Eddie Hickey as of February 27. I am enclosing this le‘ter for your inspeation. Of sourse, this + sould not mow of this letter because I chose to offer to e Hickey his choice of alternative. : : pe re aaa ae was informed by my boys of their desire nct to play at Omaha. I could bd do T eam not particularly desirous of learning the correspondent since I try to do the very best that I can aa I lang ago 1 have had > Gepene on ny resouress pu Uwy eum to me. And af they are terribly faulty then I will just have to out the intermittent sdniration end support of wy off~again-on-again friends. Hi Sahn game wets sar ask oe om of speech? With all good wishes, I am i Sincerely yours, |" Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ENG. \ \\ ip