In the unlimited elass there will be no restricfions in height. ‘these unlinit- eé~-giece gemer should @ispley races of gients, as they will be played largely by wen above 6 fts 3 in. tall. The next Olywpies will bo held in Jepen, @ natien of men under 6 ft»; the men of the reighbering countries, China und the Philippines, are also of svall stature. The only tean at the Porlin Olynpied with extrezely tel] non was the United States. - qhe players frou Canada, Egypt, Prenee, Italy, Switeorland, end Turkey ranged from 5 ft. 10 in. to about 6 ft. 2 ins tall. Those taller teane set their estimate of the height limit for the next Olympic gemes et 190 =. ( approx- imately 6 ft. 8 in.) Their plan was adopted for the next Olympic besketbell eompetition and does exclude the extremes in height but does not qalte meet the requiresents of the Japanese end other nations of lesser stature. The next Olympied may be able to iron out some of these decper vrinkles of discontent. Uowever, the governing body of the letional Collegiate Zsseciat- ion of Sueriea has alresdy voted to sponsor only four sports on tho regaler eelendar of the next Olympiad, nenely, track ond field, rowing, wrestling, ond owirmings, It is therefore possible thet no representative American college tean will try out for Olympic basketball of the future end thet only independ- ont basketball teams will represent the United states In the next Olympic games. Always basketball has followed closoly in the wake of football, pattern- ing ite administration and wethods sharply efter the trail blacers ‘So with football having proved that lasting benefits eould be derived from intersect= tonal contests, basketball adninistratros have followed sult and arellooking with inereasing fever upon intersectional games. Growing public interest, evidence’ by greater attendence and coupled with larger seating facilities in ficld haquses inst ead of in the inadequate gyunas@ tune of a past era, hes so inorossed athletion tressuries that intersootons}, baskethall contests are becoming mere and more desirable. :