B= there are isolated cases of set points of view es to the administration aml the playing 8f the geme which still exist and which will perhaps be erased on by contimed universal elarificetions, interpretations, end miformities in offictating, brought about by increased understending through intersestional contests end the national comingling of coaches through their assoaiations. _ In some sections when rules ere interpreted, often too mech stress is - laid upon the word “intent.” As a result, when intersestional games are play= ea there is frequently a confused and misunderstood administration of the games. The Netional Association of Basketball Coaches, organized in 1928, has done mach to amalgamate opinion upon the stabilization of the ne and its rule interpretations and te obliterate sectional selfishnesses and other disturbe ing factors encountered in intersectional plays | This National Association of Basketball Coaches and the National Basket= ball Rules Body together furnish to thassport adequate machinery for national- fom; and with @ more complete elimination of such disturbing factors as in= _ correct lighting, goal posts on the end lines, improperly constructed playing courts, cement floors, and a fow other of the antiquities of construction, as well as improper officiating administration, the game's national orientat~ fon will be completed.