January 12, 1943. Mr. C. E. MoBride, Sports Mitur, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. is ee Ho, sirree, we can't let Irving T. Marsh, Nat Holman, Ed Kelleher and Joe Lapohiek get away with any such thing ag that. I will write you a statement and you cen use any part of it you wish, as if you interviewed me personally. . Yes, sir, the Oklahoma victory was a happy one, I assure youe You see, Bruce Dreke inherited Hugh MoDer- mottta sophomore “Roy Seat” team. Five years ago we beat Hugh's sophomore team in a great game at Norman, then Hugh uoeky I thought, to whip them at Lawrence and to lost at Norman those two years. shone ietcied sini dak tein ik. Seni with Hank Tba, for talent. So it is no wonder that we had : i re ai ae 8 i Z 5 Le woe Drake, a rere boy whipping the old man, he will have to think up another angle for his story from now on because the jinx is being dispersed. luck to you, Mac, old fellow. i 8 . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. 3