duly 14, 1943. Mrs, A, d, NeKimney, Cabool, Missouri. Dear Mr. MoKinney: ; Yea, I still have the 4 acres down at Cabool, but I would not care to trade it for city property. I believe you cen see why it would necessitate my traveling to New Castle for upkeeps, eS ee — ; Ae ah tlh, Oh mee ei, tok be ek Oe 7 farm for a eash consideration or mortgage. Doubtless you can — ee positien. — ii, i) Sa Nikon When 0b sities ei & wa Mie Pu pos if you will, to see what proposition | cen get for a rental. I would also authorize you to investigate as to what cattle are sea Ah ae tae 8 oe wees ok nna os at oe SONI aoe deal with the fellow who is using it. You can deduct your com- adele tae Ey eames the yo I would appreciate your writing me fully regarding the people who are now on it and how long they have been using it. _ I will give you the power of attorney to make any arrange- nent with them on a settlement for past usage. Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.