YS February 7, 1942. Hr. ©, i. MeBride, x Sports Editor, The Kansas City Star, Dear Mac: Again we went to thank you and your splendid staff on the sport desk for the most valuable aid that you rendered us in promoting the Great Lakes - Kansas basketball game which was piayed in the Municipal Auditorium February 5th. Without the interest of the Star and your fine support of this project I am sure that the gate receipts would have been nothing as compared with what they were. Our share was $1186.46 and the seme amount went to the Nevy. This was after all expense had beon paid. This is a tidy sum to pick up from a basketball game, and we repeat that we appreciate the kindness of you and your boys greatly. I am writing Roy Roberts thanking him, alsoe It was good to have a visit with you Friday morning. It seemed like old times. I wish that we might have more opportunities to chew the fat. ‘These visits are getting far too.rare, but in our busy existence I do not sec how we can have many more of them un- less we rob you of your valuable working time. | By the way, I. as waking you the rules and regulations govern- ing athletic participation in the M.V.I.A.A. This was written in 1937. Page 10 has to do with the residence and page 15 has to do with the migrant rule. As I told you, Dean Thompson of Nebraska, wrote this migrant rule. Both rules are crystal clear, and any ad- ministrator, even Jap Haskell, covld understand them. Certainly the great fault was on the part of the administration and the ceaching staff at the University of Oklahoma. Gerald Tucker could not be blamed for not knowing the rule. If there is any blame attached to him it is that he chopped around and got a better bargain, ee ee ee ee ee eee cee again. lie clearly was out after the money. He doubtless took the Saath Ghd 46 Masbate pad Skene Deli able Ge Sele Sho gee? hat the students gave him ebout his singing voice he moved off to quister and more pleasant fields, so he thought. I am enclosing a couple of tear sheets from the Oklahoma City papers which show that the Oklahoma boys are still reaching out after all sorts of mterial. It is said on fairly good authority that the