February 22, 1941 Mre CoE, MeBride _ Well, old fellow, it seems as if we do not sce each other, but we apparently read about each other in the papere This is about as close” as we have come to contacting one another in the last six or eight months. But I am promising myself that this shall not be so if I ever have a moment to drop by and say helloe You and Helen must have had a great trip out West. Bess got a post card on your return and we followed your meanderings through your columis I think it is swell that you and Helen can miss the most dismal part of the winter here by spending your time in Southern California renewing old friendships and bringing your reader-public in close touch with mny olde timers who formerly lived in Kansas Citye I have enjoyed reading about Ire and Mrs. Louis Shouse, Pelle Bainter, and a host of others I knew so welle They were fine peoples Yesterday I read in your sporting comment your article on “Basketball Crowds Needle Nebraskans? Now I want to pass on a little silent comment that I would want no publicity on, but something I would not be the ieast bit afraid to take a few chips in the melee if I were invited, but in this case I do not want tebe Sevited in om this fight beenoee I tm aipendy im the May I say that the reason I think thet the basketball crowds of the BigeSix are on the Nebrasim outfit is because of the fact that they played muckerish basketballe-not just the roughetoush, slem=bang, dingedong type of the pleyers slewning into the opvosition--but the taunting, Dishieing, cheap alley-fighting, muckeracking, across-the«track stuff. Sieh sein, Sheet GA ik do Chak What? te x ghee en, 14 nt of their opponents that they usede Without mentioning certain individuals on the Nebrasim squad, they would single out Englemen and Bobby Allene They walked up to Engleman with a sardonic smile and "Say, little fellow, how is that trick mee tonight?", and then with fiendish delight would either pat the fellow on the back of the neck or pull his mee guardo To Bobby they would say, “So this is Juniore The little boy Junior. Well, well, Junior, what are you going to do tonight?" It was premeditated and plamed as a part of the strategy of attack. They began it early and they Rigs 35 wp Verengs he entire pants The Kansas audience was aghaste