March 11, 1941 Mire Clarence McGuire Hoover Brothers Inte 922 Oak Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Vacs You are a swell Scotchman, vac, and I appreciate the wontdefal woul that you wrote me. You imow there are a few fellows who can say a thing and make others beiieve ite You are one of those sincere fellows who, when you speek, the other fellow just eats up your wordse ' I imagine every fellow is vain enough to like nice words said about him, but when I remember what a battling chap you were and how you gave everything you had, then I know full woll that you mean the things you saye Thanks, Mac, it is great to have boys with you and under you that go out in life and come back and still believe that the things that were done were wortimhiles Although we do not see much of each other, just flitting glimpses here and there, and a friendly word of greeting now and then, I want you to know that I count you as one of my very best friends, I admire you very much and that is why I so deeply appresiate the fine words that you have spokene With all good wishes for your continued success and happiness, I am, Sincerely yours, — , Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach