—— | mn : } | 7 | SMITH CENTER, SMI’ Capacity Crowd For Little Six League Banquet Dr. Forrest C. “‘Phog”’ Allen of K. U. Was The Featured Speaker Probably one of the largest crowds ever to attend a Little Six Basket- ball League banquet, gathered at the high school gymnasium in Gay- lord Tuesday evening to pay homage |' e|to the court stars of the league who t|have furnished so many thrilling \ ’.}games for the fans of their com-|' it] munities during the past year. An-|' njother thing that brought such a crowd was the fact that “Phog” -;Allen, nationally known basketball -{coach of the many famous K. U. d|teams, was the main speaker of the Y | evening. a County Supt. W. E. Lee was the in was wet RA Oe et re 5a 2O o SS MARA SDD lic tb oO DR, FORREST C. “PHOG” ALLEN sh toastmaster of the event, a position he has held for a number of years, t|and he introduced John Cole, Supt. x: of the Gaylord schools who made ‘y|the welcoming address followed by i+ |a response from E. H. Windscheffel, iy | supt. of the Athol schools. Mrs. Le- --| Barge furnished the musical num- )-|bers of the evening with two voice (1, | Solos. Probably what was the most im- {portant portion of the evening’s ie| program was provided by Supt. Fred Weed of Kensington, who an- nounced the All Star first and se- cond teams and presented the tro- phy to the Gaylord squad who won the League championship. Supt. g Weed gave the following as the © | Little Six All Stars, picked by the coaches for their outstanding abil- it ity and sportsmanship during the/, , | past season: ne °| First Team—Paul Casteel of Gay-|ye # lord and Eugene Frazier of Athol, | yj forwards; Alfred Thomas ‘of Gay-| a; lord and Roscoe Rorabaugh of Ken- | yj |sington, guards; Herbie Borgmann |; of Athol, center. Second Team— Eldon True of! oe Kensington and Bob Santner of} jp Gaylord, forwards; Loren Conaway | yw of Athol and Milo Wiehl of Ken- + sington, guards; Loren Watts of Harlan, center. a The above boys are deserving of _|only the highest commendation and it is hoped that they will carry on through life with the same high type sportsmansip and ability shown in their basketball the past season. j Last but far from least on the _|program was the address by Dr. j|Forrest C. Allen, Phog to every _lbasketball fan in the state, who gave what was considered by a large majority as the best talk of its kind ever given in this terri- tory. His condemnation of the young man who starts to college and ex- pects to make it through with ath- letic ability alone was aptly de- scribed in his statement “don’t sell your academic birth right for a (mess of pottage.” Dr, Allen also repeated his scathing statements _|concerning football that gained the -|headlines of the big state dailies when it was heard several weeks ago but went further in his talk at :|Gaylord and stated why he con- sidered his statements true which .|boiled down to a few words was, the ‘hand picking’ of athletes for), ;/big colleges regardless of student | < prowess and the furnishing of ‘soft’ jobs to keep them in school, The interest of every person present at the banquet was evidenced by the absolute quiet that reigned through- out his address as though every- one was waiting to hear what he would say next. Phog Allen’s many years of experience as coach and physical education director and his experience vith young people have taught him many things concern- ing the psychology of youth and it was an inspiration to hear him not only to the basketball boys but the parents and fans of each of the schools. :! Wane az ry poo © Waa Je 3 eo SPeyeis he © bf Shoe weO sha dn ro”