Decenber To 1940 “ _ I em still miles and hours behind schedules I was supposed to be in Kansas City at 2200 to attend a meeting of the conferences of the Missouri Valley and the BigeSix, but I am sitting here Saturday afternoon at 1244,after having finished basketball] practice this morning, determined that I should dictate this letter and get it into the mail over the weekends. I will not sign your letter but will ask my secretary to do so and mil it, because I will not be back until late tomorrow afternoons I am so s that I have failed to get this information to you earlier, but I have never been busier in my life. I have been even busier than when you were on the campus aud you used to think then that I was mane Lots of good luck to you and your good husband and your sote I Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ' FOAsig | PeSe We are enclosing the material you asked to be returned to yous