December 13, 1940 Mire CeEo MeBride Sports Editor Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear Macs ae __ I noticed your comment regarding the Big-Ten not playing in the Gardens Could you give me the information as to when they passed that ruling? + 2 i | _ Tllinois is playing in the Garden on December 26 and iimesota is playing the same night we play, December 28, Minnesota plays NeYelUs We knew very definitely that the BigeTen frowed on these games and did not want then to play, but Doug Mills of Illinois and fan Melillan of Minnesota scheduled these contests. I would be glad to have a short note from you regarding the information that you have on the BigeTen barring the teams from playing there. You know the Big-Six would not let us play there mtil Oklahom and Missouri tied. Then they gave them the "go" sigml. If there was any debar us from playing, I am quite sure we would not have & chance to go, but Oklahoma is also playing there and it would be pretty diffieult for them to reverse the ruling so quicklye Frankly, I would wuch rather stay at home and practice fundae ‘ g q F g Lots of luck to you, Mace Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach