Mare MeDonald Page Two Dede 25, 1940 It seemed to me as if they ran with the bail a lot on their starting of the dribblee It puts quite a burden on the guard and you have to switch pretty quickly to keep them from driving past you in a hard, vigorous fashione They do & lot of oneehand shooting when they swing around near the free-throw lines In fact, I thought they did too much oneehand shootinge As I have stated, the guards shot a great deal but were not too accurates Hull, who plays guard and who is captain, played a forward position last year and is a good mang in fact, I think he is the best man on the squad when it comes to the offensee He drives by and draws fouls pretty cleverly, but you can drop your forwards back and have them Kelp your cuards and center on the rebounds They will have to do this if you cope with their size and ageressivenesse If you keep your forwards out in front ready for a fhstebreak I am afraid they will beet you rebowmdinge They are double tough, big and aggressive, and you will have to pull your forwards back very an de to help out your defensive meng I think you wniderstand what I meane Of course, this means that you are going to have to fastebreak them, but I do not believe I would start fastebreaking too early because if your team is a little nervous it may throw them off in shootinge We started to fastebreak too early the first game and it took quite a while for us to settle our men dom,» f instructed our boys the second half of the first game to go out there and set up their plays and set them up carefully and methodically. It was not lorg before we were able to tie the score and then we went ahead and stayed theres Later in the gahe we fastebroke then after we got our bearings. Our first game was much easier to win then the second ones These boys thrive on hard scrimmges and they can stand a lot of it, so you had better have your boys take out time when they get awfully tired, because your men will show the wear sooner than these Texas boys who are accustomed to this ~— aggressive ‘and heavy scrimmaging that they seem to do so much ofe 3 I trust this gives you the information that you desiree Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation Yarsity Basketball Codch FCAslg