647 WEST 581TH STREET TERRACE KANSAS CITY,MISSOURI January 14, 1941 Dr. Forest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Docs: The Kansas City Times said that a Hustling University of Kansas basketball team defeated the Iowa State Cyclones. That is putting the matter lightly. With two good boys, Doc, you defeated a ball club that handled itself like they had been under fire together for fifteen years, To, say that the University of Kansas won that ball game be-~ cuase their coach stimulated them to heights that they didn't know they could reach would have been more accurate, Doc, I don't know whether you had a chance to see that red- headed guard of yours perform down there under the basket the last half or not. You were probably too busy watching Englemann scoop them in with one hand and Bobby @ the team when the score was tied up 32 all. tI realize that the two foregoing incidents were largely responsible for the ultimate victory but this red-headed guard, Solenburger or whatever you call him, stood right in there and took it that last half, I never saw a boy fight harder in my life. He was on top of the game all the way through -- relaxed, c@nfident, and full of what it takes. He is a little awkward, but for my dough he can be in there, Yes Sir, Doc, you really took two boys, Bobby Allen and KEnglemann and whipped the championship team, God Bless you, Boy. To see you win is a privilege, With best personal regards, I am | Be P.S. I almost forgét to tell you what I started to write about. Please reserve six tickets. for me in about the same place up a little ways from the floor sO we can see what is going on for Thursday night. I am going to bring up a bunch of real Kansas’ rooters, :