Mir. MeCarthy Page Two Mare 20, 1942 Duteh officiated basketball and football games but contributed very little to the support of the family. Different prominent citizens of Salina came to me saying that Dutch was not taking care of his children, let alone his wife, who was forced to work in the school cafeteria so that the children might have the elemental necessities of lifes Both children are talented and the boy, 15 years of age, was playing in the bande A trip was to be made to Kansas City, so this kindehearted citizen of Salina purehased shoes so the boy could make the trip well equipped, as were the other ehildrene I only mention this to show you that apparently everybody believed in the wifee But most everyone wes entirely out of patience with Ernst. He apparently continued to see the other individual and ignored his fanilye When I found this out I called him in and tore him to pieces mentallye I told him the only reason i was helping him was to help his family, and if he was going to pull that kind of stuff he certainly could not expect any cooperation fran mée Of course, he denied it generally, but he was very nonecomitial, | : I heve been in the Uhrlaub home at Salina and have met them when they came here to lawrence to visit his relatives. So naturally I offered - to help Mrse Uhriaub in any way that I could, Way back in January, 1941, to be exact, I received a letter from Urée Vernadine Uhrlaub at 1029 Hast 17th Avée, Denver, Colorado. I told her that I had sane very good friends in Denver like Alston MeGarthy, Bill Grien, and other individuals who I am sure that I could turn to for a bit of friendly cooperation for a person in time of need, I further told her that if there . Was any way thet we could help her I would be more than gled to do it. . Her letter to me of Janvary 15, 1941 reads as follows: "I'm sorry te have taken so long to answer your letters “The flu epidemic is very much in evidence heres Both Dene and I have had its "I returned to work only to bo laid off, if you think you ean help me in any way at all to find work, I would greatly appreciate ite | “Dutch is working and has been sending some money each week but I can’t depend on that alonee "It is so kind of you to want to helps Sincerely, Vernadine Uhrlaub*®