SS April 28, 1941 Mre Ce Be McBride Sports Editor Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri . Dear Maes Mrse Allen when I returned Sunday morning at 2500 Aclle if we had had trouble in any of our baseball gamese I said, “Well, the only grouble that I know of that we have had was the difficulty we encowmtered in getting Iowa State out at bate It seems as if wo had more difficulty getting Towa State out than any other trouble that I lmow of." She said, "Well, there is a copy of Mre McBride's sports page and he must: have heard somethings” She was greatly worried, so to sooth her fears and to ease any misapprehension eee | Nn 10 Lent nenge to Wette you the full 'fante When I was asked to take charge of baseball here I called the baseball candidates together and made this statement, “Boys, we are playing college base= ball and if any of you heretofore have had any idea of charging the umpire or ruming out towrd him on any decisions, then I want to say here and now that @il that stuff is out. We are a college baseball team and we are going to play strictly college baseball and none of the semiepro stuff, imitative of the belligerent baseball barnstormerse" Not only have I said this to the YS, but a mmber of people wrote in to me congratulating me on taking the team, and in each letter I stated to them that our baseball material and morale was at a very low ebb and we were going to have a scrappy, aggressive team, but we were going to put our fight into the game and not at the umpires pheoed And we have followed that to the lettere We played three baseball one at Oldahona and two at Ames, and I would be very pleased indeed if you could grapevine Mre Harold Keith or Professor Jap Taskejl or Professor Louis Menze or — Le Ce "Cap" Tima, baseball ccacn at Towa State, and find out if we have ever been belligerent or have fallen in the evil wey of the wpire charging habits of a baseball managers * | : a Coach Haskell had his assistant, Coach Jack Baer, on the coaching line _ for the first seven innings at Normans I politely walked over to Jap and said, “Jap, isn’t there some rule in the BigsSix code among baseball coaches that the Big-Six coaches shall renain off the coaching line? Jap said, "I dontt Imow, Phog, is there? I said, "I think there is, Jap, is there not?" And with a friendly slap on the shoulder to subdue the bickerings from the Sooner rooters, I walked back to my bench and sat downs The approach was most pleasant, the conversation cordial and all the actions on my part were a friendly gestures The Sooner rooters could not tell whether I was batting a leme baseball shoulder for Jap, or inviting him out to dinners But the barrage was the samee the next inning, Coach Baer kept his position on the bench and Coach Haskell sent a player out to do coaching on the third bases eae