At the present time the Springfield College at et eld, Masa., is endeavoring to have a Naismith Night to Obtain funds to build a field house in Dr. Neismith's memory. ment of moving to California, but since I have worked most of my ™ specific since 1698, I would moh rather have it hore in Lawrence than any other place." I had a life mask made of him in plaster of paris and have it here in our possession, I had thought of sometime obtaining a sculptor and having a fitting memorlal to Dr, Naismith's memory here. when I broached the subject most of the administrators discouraged the idea of a non-utility memorial, and they went something that they can use. Personally, I have done little promoting to erest a building, and as far as I am concerned I am not going to be able to subscribe heartily to the Springfield plan of having a Naismith Wight and the contributions going to a college for a building. | I talked to Forter, of Chivago, who is national secretary of the High School Federation, and he feels the same way about it, So I am not sure whether the drive will go over this winter or nots This year, of course, is the 50th amiversary of the birth of basketball, and incidentally it will be my 25th year of coaching Kansas basketbell. Due to the fact that this is the semi~centomnial there will be a tendency for people to went to celebrate Naismith Night. With twenty million people in the world playing besketball this year will be a prosperous year for promoters and money gatherers who play on the Naiguith ideas Im 1920 I went back to New York to the National Collegiate Athletic Association meeting end pointed out the fact that the Rules body had taken Dr. Naignith's picture and name out of the Rules Guide and stated that they should restore it and pay him the honor that was due him. They did this. Pr. Naismith, being a very quiet and obscure individual, did not go in for fenflare, so I have been his champion having played under him and having pjoyed against his teams prior to my coming to the University. I thought he was a grand gentleman, a great teacher and a man who bequeathed a sport to the Amerioan public that had not been fully appreciated. He had never made & penny off of the geme thet he originated and in his later years I wanted him to receive some of the compensation that should rightfully be accorded hin. 7 There is a book on basketball called "Basketball", by Dr. Naismith, printed by the Association Press, 347 Madison Ave- nue, New York. If you have not gotten it I think it might be helpful to you in your research work, ‘The book sells for $2.00. This is