= Use Also, the films that have been made of the game « not of gemes played, but of fundamentals showing teaching films would be helpful. You will remember that in 1956 I made a twoereel film for the Hastman Kodak Company for their teaching films division. It is mainteined for classroom work, end Zastman used Harry Kipke in football, Helen Wills in tennis, and used me in basketball to demonstrate these teaching skills. ‘They used the silent film because they sold their — product to the movies and they would be competing with the movie industry if they used a telking movie. All these teaching eids are helpful. Then there are the summer coaching schuols that sprang up in 192 and 1929 where doubtless thousands of men sit at the feet of the different so-called ‘basketball masters and hear taught the fundamentals of the game. All of these are definite contributions to the spread of better basketball. M : Men like Meanwell, Piggie Lambert, Sam Barry, Nibs . Price, Tony Hinkle and other coaches who have traveled from coast to — coast lecturing and teaching are worth mentioning. ‘The schools of physical educetion in which besketball textbooks are used definitely in teaching the geme show a definite progress. These are my idens of some work that can be well done. I am glad to fill out this questionneire for you, Andy, and I hope that this will be helpful to you, If I can help you further please command Me : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Iducation and Recreation, . FOAsAR 3 Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.