ah September 19, 1940 Miss Marie Mellorrow 828 East Drive Apartment -2 | My dear Miss MeMorrow: i am very happy to comply with your requost of September 17 and wo are sending you three or fous football schedules so that you might pass them out to your friendse As you will note, wo are playing Oklahoma here on November and I am afraid it is going to be a tough game for heme boys that days the If you should decide to see the Oklahoma game os. We will seo if we cannot arrange to get -@ seat in a good location. I assure you that it is i Genie at + all and wo are glad that you wrote us. Things here are moving along nicelye Scehool is. opening and it looks as if wo, slong with other schools, march forward until the call canes to serve more definitely. With all good wishes, I am, eet Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach