November 1i, 1940 Mate Robert MeKinney Secretary to the President — Northeast Missouri State Teachers dollege Kirksville, Missourd Dear Mire lekinneys I have just returned fran the east and i find your faver ef the 7th instante 7 I have run over the manuscript and made corrections where I deemed it necessary, I am sende ing you the definition of a blush and you will be able to insert it in the proper place, and also this will enable you to give copies of that definition to these who may vant ite : Congratulations te the coach and the boys on their upset ageinst Warrensburge i+ must have been _ & great battles | : wy kindest regards to the President, his good wife, to Dean Eubank and his helpemate, and all the other Ikdind adninistrators in your institutions Do not forget Cliff and Mres Cormwelle I think that fellow Cornwell has lots of stuff on the tallg Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduoa tion and Recreation . Varsity Basketball Coach | PAsle Encse