Allen = Page 2 There seems to be a very minor mistake in your article, although I could be wrong, inasmich as I em one of the old timers. I note that the article states that you went to Baker to coach in 1908. I presume that this means in the fall of 1908. As I remember it, Baker's great team, which you coached, wes the prior season of 1907-08 and in the fall of 1908 we had only a skeleton of the great team left. Price was the only letter man left over from the great team, O'Neil was coming up and Cub Brainard was, I believe, a freshman about then who showed great promise but none of these fellows did much on your great team which was so successful. As I remember it, the team in 1908-09 had anly @ mediocre season and I don't think you were coaching. Emil Liston came along then, as a youngster, and I believe won his first letter in either 1908 or 1909. I just thought perhaps the article was off one year concerning your early history but I can't blame you for that because I feel that I amgrowing old too as I've now seen forty-eizht summers and would like to cut a year off now and then myself. We have a coming basketball team here at Indiama State Teachers College in our city. It is now coached by Glenn Curtis who is really one of the truly great coaches of the country. He has come up fast and will give an excellent account of himself next year. In fact, he isn't doing bad now. If you want to sharpen up for Purdue or Indiana sometime, it would be good experience to play this team, Possibly a vacation trip out your way would be in line next year although Curtis is working a little bit now on a trip South as far as Florida for the Holidays next year. I think Curtis has told me of meeting you. I hope you'll be successful in bringing your football up on the level that you have brought basketball to in your fine school and want to wish you the joys of the season, Most sincerely yours, McMILLAN ATHLETIC GOODS COMPANY, INC. — VEM/ht .