PARSONS, KANSAS 7 April 9, 1941 Dr. Horace C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I know I have been somewhat slow in writing you about another date for you to come down here, but my Rotary Club has been somewhat upset due to the fact that the U. S. Army called for the services of the preacher who was the chairman of the program committee and it threw a monkey wrench in the machinerye I have checked over the schedule which your sec~ retary was kind enough to send me, and I am wondering if you could come down and talk to us Thursday noon, May 15. I notice you are to give an address that night at Wellington;— 2vzlaay Kansase be | I think our program outlined the way it is and your schedule as full as it is that this time seems to be about the only time that we can get together. I trust that it will be convenient for you to do this, but, if it will not be, please do not feel it will be any embarrassment to me because I know of your very best intentions. Please accept my good wishes. Very truly yours, RSB/mb R. S. Bennett MEnCUnY ff LG, In IR iS r