Los ANGELES Brick & CLay Propwucts Co. 1078 MISSION ROAD LOS ANGELES April 9, 1940 Mr. Paul Brindel U.S.Sales Agent for Peter Anderson, Ltd, Galashiels, Scotland Bere Mr. Brsndad: 3 Just. a word to tell you how. ‘te pleased I am with my new Spring suit. It is much admired and I have had many compliments on it, even from casual acquaint- ANCES. U8 arid : : ‘My friends simply refuse to “believe thet I paid less than $100.90. In fact Some of them say "One Hundred and Twenty-five.* This. is my. second happy exper- idence with your wodens. I saved at least $20.00. on my 1938 topcoat and it shows not a sign of wear, ‘I estimate that it will probably do me for , 10 years, during which time I doubt if I'll en- counter a replicas With every good wish for your continued success in your new b Meashire District salesroom, I aM» RGC-Ct | Credit Manager FRANCIS A. COCHRAN ATTORNEY AT LAW OCCIDENTAL LIFE BUILDING 756 SOUTH SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES MUTUAL 2181 February 22, 1940 Peter Anderson, Limited Scotch Tweed Manufacturers Galashiels, Scotland Gentlemen: After eight years at Sacramento as Sec- retary to Governors James Rolph, Jr. and Frank Finley Merriam, I thought that I knew good clothes and fine fabrics. I must confess, however, that the topcoat which I purchased from you last Fall for $35.00 is as fine ag any coat I have and it will probabiy outwear any of them as it has not shown the slightest trace of wear, With every good wish for your continued suc- cess, I am Yours very sincerely, ‘Sees cg FRANCIS A. COCHRAN FAC: j