Rae Be Av € Dettamwerel Viletit peed Oana dlidg act. a oh | Pnllae ATA > WI Week 1 “FID Ge ira /b602 ‘ke, cee: CLflinw = Fhe Dake ee 7 gee ee Ly HU ~ B sty, OA ocd th NMawtey Mery $n Chor — | fotuct ee ISB? Jee ‘ 44 be ~ 12s. ema Keffer hey - Jb2t eer JAE. 13.01 OA, . T hoe i“ IS $¢C pe | Kh Mahl + lye? Cao | a ye ee Lge ari. a ih oc. ae 133% Ode Barney, Barl Brosius, Frank Carl, Rudy Crass, Beady Gunther, John J. Hawley, John ‘weciaia, Harry Miller, Re Ae Ostlund, Dale Peck, Owen Saffell, Tom Simpsen, Jerry Carruth Hall Phi Gam Phi Pst Kappa Sig Delta Tau Phi Delt Kappa. Alpha Psi Sigma Bu Phi Beta pi Sigme Chi Battenfeld Beta — f? asp oe oS ee a f Mle EG Leds A ee af yy anos Ey - a —“aapaipen: AZ. sateitrs ai bLEAA lor Fb Ub P, Jbo2 a S&E defi wt 2 cote pee }107 EE A? 1939 Tenmeete 74%] 12ue Ly —o . * ) 79S 74 ae Ash > he WF. ES 7A AA (3¢ ( CAM PL Ba x Tm. Co-ee 1614 Ktorhy 208 v Ph Dele, MOT Fite a 66 Ya Cd MODUS CD) 3337 Frith unin fn elt) fam 2) fblooe * oot oe Jl Qolte Janu belt. f Ye 12,- 7:22 * 873° Curedt Coont) ved 7 Foe. - $$ [%25- “ ve A Phi bb {ger i, Ay £ ¥ odgeve ocala ie “7 e we ee , te fe — 7 oor 9:32 (weet Court.) -. IC LB ae > oa : . A Loe Mar 10 73 DO cke Demonwr Bea 13-220 7 B30 (éact Court) 7S. 22- “ (Exot J L-) 4h Kea: Halls. ee . v4 ue : 6 (hi ae _ ee “ ~ ~ “ ae te a a Mi Sebo sie Te OS the An Conte ly C3) (Herta Phe Gar the Hore DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION December 12, 1944 intramural Menegers;: Due to difficulties in finding officials for intramural basketball games, I am asking your cooperation in this matter. I am assigning the following games to be officiated by two menbers of your orgauization,. This will give us two officials per game who understand officiating, Any question you might have in this matter I will gladly discuss with yous Trusting that you will be able to cocperate, I am Very truly yours, Asst. Intramural Supervisor. — 87.5 0 9 dom Moore Coop 6 12.05 Phi Delt Phi Gem 10 27 82 25 M56 G25 S12 G1ld 06 re 6 85.5 90 9.5 24.10 66 512.10 7 Phd Pai 191.14 Sli 36 moe 0 re ee Seiebe ee Sige tu ToKod. Triangle Septenber 21, 1944 lei ia ill lili ies tn ene - 808 Rebinsen Gymmsium Teesday September 26, at 4480 peine Drawings will be made for intramural teuch feetvall, - pules will be discussed and plans made fer the coming yeare stanen dive 0 segyamentnsted present oven though not plan te enter a touch feotiall team, net i re _ ee Sa Lie Whe Vi Bh Mowery §— 16 02 pe He. Doli Meine Mork yilt with Lick Kono) Fomepe repo) theater werk ent TG: Ki fa Cibple Va Fay, 728 Chatre 8/6 Marie Wlagife- 44. Gsty Une er é Ph OG2th Sohn! fladtig” /Wog Ftere- Cha tum Sedat bbe the fa idthtendk f-AE:- iw Maff-erk W. Carew Leg Che. Ofer. Killer 1439 Jer. LF Te: She. dhackelforo we: /0 oe Gish Demene ) lal Yectalte >i 1334 Ohe S52 L407 ROS 33353 333 i257 726 td 7426 72/ 2074 site CIS aa? 9/08 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Schedule of Games Teams Division Time Date Place Delta Tau vs Kappa Sig A 7:30 Dec. 11 Robe (East) TeKele vs KA Psi A 8:30 Doo, 11 " Dick's Demons vs SeAeEe B 7:30 Dece 11 Robe (West) Res, Halls vs Phi Gam B 8:30 Dee. ll . Phi Delt vs DeDodgers A 7:30 Dec. 13 Robe (East) Sige Nu vs KA Psi. A 8:30 Dec. 13 " Phi Psi vs Sige Chi B 7:30 Dece 15 Robe (Wost) Beta vs Phi Gom B 8:30 Dec. 13 ” Delta Tau vs DeDodgers A 7:30 Dece 18 Robe (East) TeKeiie vs Phi Delt A 8:30 Docs 18 . Dick's Demons vs Sig Chi B 7:30 Dece 18 Rob, (iost) Rese Halls vs Phi Psi B 8:30 Dec. 18 . K, Sig vs DeDodgers A 7:30 Dece 20 Robs (East) Sig. Nu vs Phi Delt A 8:30 Dece 20 ° SeleEe vs Phi Gam iB 7330 Dece 20 Rob. (West) Beta vs Phi Psi B 8:30 Dece 20 ” Delta Tau vs TKE A 7:30 Jane 3 Robs (East) Keiie Psi vs Phi Delt A 8330 Jane 3 ” Dick's Demons vs ReSe Halls B 7330 Jon, 3 Rob. (West) Phi Psi vs Sige-6hi fA Gam 8B 8330 Jon. 3 e. Kappa Sig VS TeKeEe A 7:30 Jane 8 Rob. (East) Sige Nu vs Delta Tau A 8330 Jon. 8 : S heb vs Rese Halls B 7:30 Jan. 8 Rob. (West) Bota vs Dick's Demons B 8:30 Jan. 8 " D. Dodgers vs TKE A 7230 Jane 10 Robe (East) KeAe Psi vs Delta Tou A 8:30 Jane 10 . Sig. Chi vs Rese Halls B 73:30 Jane 10 Rob. (West) Phi Gan vs Dick's Demons B 8:30 Jane 10 ” Kappa Sig. vs Sige Nu A 7330 Jone 15 Robe (East) Phi Delt vs Delta Tau A 8:30 Jone 15 ” SeheEe vs Beta B 7:30 Jane 15 Robe (West Phi Psi vs Dick's Domons B 8:30 Jane 15 ” Ze Toans Division Tine Date Place D.Dodgers vs Sig. Nu A 7:30 Jone 17 Robe (East) Kelwe Psi vs Ka ppa. Sige A 8:30 Jone 17 " Sige Chi vs Bota B 7:30 Jone 17 Robe (West) Phi Gan vs Selele B 8:30 Jone 17 " TeKeke vs Sige Nu h 7:30 Jone 22 Robe (East) Phi Dolt . vs Kappa Sig 4 8:30 Jone 22 . Rose Halls vs Bota B 7:30 Jane 22 ° Robe (West) Phi Psi VB SelieEe B 8:30 Jane 22 - De Dodgers vs Keheisi A 7:30 Jens 24 Robe (East) Sige Chi vs Phi Gan B 7:30 Jone 24 Robe (Wost) Crone eainns playoff = lst round Jane 29 Finals Jane 31 SCORING. Throo and cight tenths (3.8) points for cach game played, plus 3.8 points for coach game won (a game won by forfcit shall score the same as for game played and won) The two high scoring toams in cach division will be in the playoff, which will score 25 points for the winner, 15 points for the runner up, and 5 points cach for the other two teams. NOTICE. 1. Each toam must have a ropresentation of at least 4 playcrse 2. Any toanm failing to show up fifteen minutes after scheduled playing time Will forfoit gamc to opponent. Se Toam managers aro responsible to sco that score cards are turned in at tho intromurol desk in Phys. Ed. officco.e may be cheeked out at the check room in the basomont of Robe Gyn Before game tince 5e If you find it necessary to forfeit a game, it would be 4. Score cards a sportsmanl ke act to notify your opponent so they will not have to waste time in reporting to Robe Gyme It will also be helpful in ‘arranging officials if you will ploaso notify the Physical Ed. Offico. ae . Divino Zoot bate Place cay vs Napa dp A 7°30 Que. Il fot, Eost) | Jo 8 AAP A §- 90 u : Dicker Qrmore ee CAL. 13 7;30 it rob (west) Tie, plbathe is Aime 8 8770 i Pb 5 sal 1s OGodgue A a te) Ly, We. meen A Fee " fob. East) Phir Prat ie 6 ee ‘ Rob. wer _ ute. | | VS PAE Mave i3 ae 60. “ Rote (weet) Che Oe aes aegee rae meena ee é - ok me rs. dodyen A 73) be. 1Y . hah . Cnet) 7s 8. vs Pi wilt A: 30 ae Lake awe eS : so Vs Ly 2 : ere Gut) Girarin 2. st. Phaoca fa fy - Boe OO ae is Reb, (G+) Rhibdt 4 Qe 2 Fe : tert (lost) 4.A.E- VS (asta B 2. 36 n : . Phe Rae vo Seki Dan. 2 oR " Ce u (GaA) A KA Psi os Moppa. Suvs A E30 “ : Z nea Ace fs vs B 7:0 " 1 Greet) iti 1 Ge: B G30 " oS THE. vs Ly Hu ee _— —- 12 & ge tits & Ahly A Te o8 Kre Nalle vs J22e1Me [3 7 30 ie Wee) fii tes ve Oe OU —— &, bordyorr v6 TA deé A 7-30 d , : nek dig Che V8 Che fae B78 thendirahi, lay eff tat averd es SCORING | Phar and eight Aenths eo Sfbayer , fle 3.5 faint Lack game Wor (A gam wor the wirrteys, 15 Jorrde the atiemner uf, ard S flointe WOTICE , Each ane mu fave a rpsndtin fof Aut 4 flyera 5 LEE AGES EL Sit Eanes eis een: heared in op The indiarmanral dick im Phys U pfer a or ee ss ace Chane Aotre mee 3 The favre Tete SE it necessary of fait wpe cP —_ "Bale pencil Spe tage re. forint i tn Aoferting re pet fee RA