October 12, 1959. 26 sons ipuueliins pseaein ts bene tind shad wth juin Innit einai, I enjoyed my short stay very muche You were vary Saige ee ee ee ee Se YN ee ae ee Mey I give you the dates and the nusber expected? On March 22 end 23 there will be four teams of apvroximately fifteen men each, making a total of sixtye One team will come from the ' Missouri Valley district and will be a wmiversity team, as these teams are ell from colleges or wiversities that observe the one=~ year residence requirement. Therefore, most of them are state umiversities, agricultural colleges and the larger schoolss Another team will come from the Rocky Moumtein conference - Colorado Uhiver~ sity, and so forths one team fron the Southwest conference + the University of Tems, Southern Methodist University, and the like; and the other team will come from the Pacific Coast conference = _. the thiversity of California, Southern California, and sc forth: — The ganes will be played in the ee Auditoriun on the two nights above mentioned. 2 soins ees We eel ih Ws we ed The winning teen of these four eolleginte districts will play the | wimmers of the four distriste east of the Missiesippi Rivers The Sa a a as cn March 28, #9 sal Sd Gu Matic Ameodintion of Basketball Coaches will meet. This is an organization of 169 coaches of the larger colleges and universities of the \nited Stetes and Canadae Of course, thet mumber will be augnented greatly by the emaller college coaches in this district. i should say that there =e ee ee