The third boy is Joe Lantagne. Joe took his _ master's degree here and did his thesis work under me. He carried out a very excellent job of statistically comparing © the CIF method of homogeneous grouping for competition with the Roger's Strength Index. In addition I have had Joe in a number of my other classes. He is now an assistant in hygiene at San Francisco Junior College, and it is my , understanding that he has the opportunity to continue there next year. Joe is the "diamond in the rough" type of fello He is not the most polished individual either in bearing or speech, but he is a conscientious, hard-working, likeable chap. He has a thorough training in both physical educatio. and hygiene. As a matter of fact he taught one of our hygiene classes here at Stanford while he was in training. If any of these three names appeal to you as possibilities for the job at Kansas, I would be glad to have our Appointment Service send you their credentials. I had a nice note from Bobbie the other day, which I appreciated very much. Cordially yours, Lg s John W. Bunn, Dean of Men. men