Cc. E. PHILLIPS, PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER 500 ROOMS WITH TUB, SHOWER AND RADIO S «x * & TWELFTH AND BALTIMORE EXECUTIVE OFFICES KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI June 6, 1939 Dr. F. Cy Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Convention Bureau gives your name as the local Secretary of the National Collegiate Athletic Association to be held in Kansas City March 30 - April 2, 1940. Athletic groups have favored the Pyillips in the past because of our central location and near the Auditorium and we have always been pleased to grant special student rates on our very modern facilities. We invite your inspection of the Phillips, and sincerely hope we may be favored with the Hotel headquarters for this group while in Kansas City. A1lI rooms have combination tub and shower bath, ice water and radioe The rates are $2 50 to $4.00 single and $4.00 to $6.00 double, per day. If you are in this City soon, we shall be pleased to acquaint you with our rooms and facilities. Very truly yours, ROTEL PHILLIPS fe yar tke by CER L. Kennedy, Exece Secye