STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA March 16, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen, Chairman Fifth District, N.C.A.A. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have read over carefully your letter to "Ole" Olsen with respect to expenses for your district tournament. I would suggest that we go into the matter of expenses to teams rather thoroughly when we meet in Chicago. I am not in favor of subsidizing the teams that attend tourna- ments to the extent that they are all in search of a crown of gold. Legitimate expenses are all right but if we make a commercial proposition out of the event then we place it in the same category as track. "Bill" Owens, who is president of the N.C.A.A., has some very definite convictions con- cerning expenses to teams. I suggest therefore that we proceed in this matter with some caution. Our next meeting will give us an opportunity to deal with the problem face to face. Very cordially yours, Representative the 8th District National Baskett