HERBERT V. JONES HERBERT V. JONES &* COMPANY BYRON T. SHUTZ PAUL M.JONES sapien eciony Reehr oes Ww. P. LYMAN GORDON LETCHWORTH REAL ESTATE =—MOREGA Ge LOA Ss FRANK E.BOLIN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - INSURANCE GEORGE L. EDWARDS JOSEPH V. MARCOUX SRYANT ‘BUrcLoinse HOWARD BARNUM H .V.JONES, Jr. KANSAS City, Mo. October 21, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Bill Campbell has just given me a copy of a letter he has addressed to you regarding the meeting of the National Association of Basketball Coaches which will be held in Kansas City during the month of March of next year. May I supplement Billts letter to the extent of saying that many of your good friends will sincerely appreciate it if you can have the Hotel President selected as the headquarters for this convention. We would not ask for your assistance in this connection except for the fact that we feel confident that the Hotel President can give you the best of service and has facilities for this meeting which cannot be equaled in any other Kansas City hotel. About two and one-half years ago a small group of us formed a syndicate and purchased the Hotel President, and since that time have spent about €200,000 in improvements. In our own office there are three K. U- alumni who are interested in this ownership and there are a number of others, including our mutual friend, Frank Teel. We are, ef course, all pulling for any activities in which K. U. is interested and hope that our friends at K. U- will do a little pulling for us whenever an opportunity such as this presents itself. With kindest personal regards and best wishes to you, Phog, I am Yours in Bond, Cin ZOE BTS: MEE Byron T. Shutz