wescear aon: FRERGERT V. JONES & COMPANY BYRON T. SHUTZ PAUL M. JONES REALTORS W. JU. CAMPBELL W.P LYMAN GORDON LETCHWORTH REALE .ES TEA TE - MORT GA GE LOANS FRANK E.BOLIN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT -INSURANCE GEORGE L. EDWARDS JOSEPH V. MARCOUX BRYANT Bc bie Db: thes HOWARD BARNUM HON ONES OR: KANSAS Gity, Mo. October 20, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phogts: T have just received a notice that the National Association of Basketball Coaches will meet in Kansas City in March, 1940. No doubt credit for bringing this Association meeting to Kansas City goes to you, as I am sure you have had more to do with it than any other person. IT would like very much to have you select the President Hotel of Kansas City as the headquarters for this convention. Both "Bye" Shutz and myself are interested in the President Hotel and can assure you that we can be of assistance in seeing to it that you are given the best of service. Would you please write me and let me know if there is anything I can do in this regard and give me any other information which you can relative to this meeting. T understand my nephew, Bill Hodge, is trying out for the freshmen basketball team at K. U. this year. If you have the opportunity to look him over and I would also appreciate knowing what you think of his prospects of becoming a Varsity man sometime. With kindest personal regards, I am Fraternally yours, ue WJC: MEE W. J. Campbell