Auguet 11, 1959. $ ¢ /] a: er —-* ae 7 ca = 4 oo ar i a a = c L_— ‘ qo al ¥ AO a € a : ( 4 | f & _f — Came 4» ; —~. za Pe t yy yo i if ge: oe a —— ’ d _ See ~ a = yn os g { Es” —— Srennge nest Jp} _ “y festa et 2 eg 5 ; \ Z . ¢ 2 2 Cc ~~, a - eT f 4 2 : ¥ : - Jw “ > oO Ce, o ) Ss ) 4) ae fru’ ee oe Cai” Se. % - ae .— “se | December 8, 193% ae Mite He Ge Oleen, Basketball Coach, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohite fear "Ole": I am hurrying to get off to Yarrensburg where we _ dedicate their new field house this efening, but want to take time to aclmowledge your wire and your letter of December 6th. pre a tbactgeige wegen sm v9 ex a 1 FOee SS we See to | the 1s saidiok Se tins Kila ak Aw en eee eee i em going to see him at our rules meeting in Kenesas City on Saturdaye. I have received a letter from Saint, end with the cooperative effort of all of us I em sure we shell see results. Minn at ae ee a the opening ceremonies of the faismith daa: cant Due Gamal guage th eigen. ted < cad &n opportumity to talk to a great many newspaper mene they are ell very enthusiastic ebout the tournament. Kerneth Adems, of the Phillips Potrolewn Company, was there and I told him alout the tournament. Many people asked about the intercollegiate conference, and they were so eager to imow about ihe group of much larger institutions. I think we will find this interest munifest ail over United States. & Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation end Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION . W. Sr. » Di L. W. Sr. Joun, Director December 6, 1939 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": I wired you today agreeing that you should serve as chair~ man of the selection committee in District 5. At the same time I wired King as follows: “FURTHER REFLECTION RE COMMITTEE DISTRICT 5 MAKES ME FEEL ALLEN SHOULD SERVE AS CHAIRMAN SELECTION COMMITTEE BUT I VERY MUCH HOPE YOU WILL AGREE TO SERVE ON THAT COMMITTEE WITH HIM. IS THIS ARRANGEMENT SATISFACTORY TO YOU? PLEASE WIRE." — I hope this will be a satisfactory arrangement. f With respect to the so-called Intercollegiate Basketball Association that Liston is sponsoring, "Butch" Grover is getting busy with the membership of the National Basketball Coaches Association to try to set them right with respect to this move and he is also writing to Bunn, urging him to present the matter to President Owens so that Owens may again write to the entire N.C.A.A, membership appealing for their support of the N.C.A.,A, Tournament. Saint has already written to each member of the Missouri Valley and Big Six suggesting that they support the Tournament in somewhat the way the Western Conference has, and I have just written again to Jim Swarts at Pennsylvania, telling him I am still in hopes the Eastern Intercollegiate League will break down their post-season prejudice to the extent of helping out this N.C.A.A. project. I feel that Swarts himself is in sympathy with that idea and I have a hunch that Bushnell may lean in that direction. If they do feel that way it is possible they might bring the Eastern Inter- collegiate League in line with our hopes. I have written to all the men we hope to have on the selection committees but haven't had replies from any of them as yet. Just as soon as we do get the set-up ready I will get in touch with you so we can make a good “splash” announcing the set-up. I was sorry McBride wasn't at the baseball meeting in Columbus so i did not get a chance to talk to him. I did talk to one of the other newspaper men however, who incidentally is a graduate of Kansas and a friend of yours, and I gathered from his comments that they would put the shoulder to the wheel. Very sincerely yours, i ée H. Ge Olsen Chairman,N.C.A.A, Basketball HGO:M Tourm ment Committee Decenber 19, 1939 litte He Ge OLSON, ane State University, : Dear Harold: : i imagine that you think I am as changeable as the Winde I had a fine visit with Dr. H. NH. Ming in Kansas City and he told me that you had written him asking him to accept a place on the committee, but not the chairmanship. I told him that I was going to write you and that I was | going to SES Det Ten CLE IM Sie Mee eNNE yy low, this sounds,s: about it the better it wail be for the N.CeieAe set up all arounide I Imow that I cen work with Dre King as he is not - only a fine gentleman but he carries a lot of prestige in this section, and to have a faculty representative as chair man of this Selection committee will be © fine thing. | . So since you haven't anounced the comnittes I would like, of course, %0 serve on the comiittes, but mane hin as chairmaine hai 6 eoietediy < auteed Un Ween Valley committee — for their nomination of a man and they selected Bill Williems. So everything will be 0.K. if you care to name Dre King, 7 Ce Sy MeBride, Bill Williams, George Edwards and me on the committees | i notice that the A.A.Ue is going to bring the women's AsieUe tournament into Kensas City, so that presents another AsAeUVe angles I will not go into this, but this is why I asked that the canmittee personnel not be changed this years — writes ee Te Se Ome Seay eee wel whee AEN pensation, I an Very sincerely yours, Birector of Physical Education and ‘enoxttaeis FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches : for a amall percentage of the N.CwAsis tournament rece ptse I em sending you copies of two letters that I have written « _ @ne to Heck Edmmdson and one te Butch Grover, end I believe you and i now will have to keep the wires and the eir mail hot in premoting © this tournement one lumdred per conte yrrethngg tattered hes yes egaged Slips nant P oisngponraiiec, upen me in this tournmmente Well, Ole, I heve never let dow on any~ one in my life, and I em as anxious es you are to see this tournament neke a great success thig yeare We have ee ee not engineer it correctly then it will be somebody's fmerale So I. want you to keop hounding me, but I am going to to beat you to it om all the preparetions that I possibly can. I am talcing you at your aed esd tx going 40 watever te do & grest Sede : Ole, I also went to Imow in regard to our Fifth District play-off. Of course, we vill have ome between the Lig Six and the iissouri Valley Conferences, and I an wondering if the National Association of Basketball Coaches expected any money fren the district e Our committee will soon be forced to meet, as our tentative date is on the 15th of larch for our District play-off. Bi Now, in regard te the four eastern districts. I haven't seen a line in the papers regarding any of their set-upse Won't you write me and let me kmow so that I can write the possible wimers for publicity mterial, glosses, and so forth? It looks as if the west coast is pretty well set with UsS.C.3 the Southwest Conference looks like Texas, and the Rocky Mourtein Conference looks like Colorado; and ow district looks like Oklahanae Missouri and Kansas just have en outside chance, but I am afraid they are going to be so far outside that they will do no goods i? oF Ap rts ii Confidentially, Ole, I am enclosing copy of a wire, and my reply, that I received fran Okiahoma A, & M.'s publicity mn. 3h iadek ba 9 ahd Hm tapas Soames genndhns or oan eee ee ea a flirting with Iba, but I am confident that I am keeping you advised on the turn oo a, because male no mistake ~ ifr. Ned Irish and Company Chairman, 5th District, Nel Aske a : if is | 4 ait pat a F pl He ne it 33 COPY WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahoma February 7, 1940. Dre Fe Se Allen, University of Kansase Please advise by Western Union when dates of NeCeheAe intercollegiate basketball tournament are schedulede Important that I know immediately. Not for publication if you so desiree Joe Mayfielde ' REPLY Happy to have your wire. Dates have previously been amnoumced through press several times. National Collegiate semixfinels Kansas City Merch 22=25. Finals Kansas City March 30. Netional Basketball Coaches Association and National Basketball Rules Committee meetings March 28 to April 1; also Netional Basketball Officials Associations, Play~off between Missouri Valley and Big Six to determine Mifth District representative March 15, either Oklahoma City or Kansas City depending upon outcome of conference raceg preferebly Oklahans Citys Regardse Porrest | Ce. Allen (Collect dayletter) _ THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director February 23, 1940 Dr. v5 Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog"; i think I covered some of the material I intended writing you about in our telephone conversation last night. We are getting out the bulletin today which I think will bring the committees up to date as to what is expected of them and will, I hope, spur them on a little bit in the work which they will be called on to do. By the way, just as a matter of clearing the records, I note that the bulletin which you sent me, in which you said TI had left off your name from the General Committee, was the Bulletin #1 for last year’s tournament and not this year's. I am sorry to see John Bunn and Curtis Parker drop out of the picture but am sure the work will go on just the same. I am contacting Henry Iba today to put in my little plug for the N.C.A.A. as compared with the invitation tournament in New Yor Ke Very sincerely yours, eG 4 Bs Ge Olsen Chairman, NeC.AsA. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee Ene e BULLETIN NO, 1 SUBJECT-National Intercollegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tourne mente The NCAA for the first time is conducting its own basketball tournament this yeare tournament petition. This tournament is not to be confused with any other national inasmuch as only members of the NCAA are eligible for com- The NCAA is divided into eight districts, four east of the Mississippi River and FOUR compr and EIGHT - four west of the riveree Districts ONE, TWO, THREE and ise the Eastern section while Districts FIVE, SIX, SBVEN, go to make up the Western section. A selection committee has already been named for each of the eight dis- trictse This committee, on basis of season record, will select the outstandin g team in its district to play in the Sectional tournament with the two sectional winners meeting a week later for the NCAA cham- pionshipe THE EASTERN SE THREE, AND DAY AND SA SCHWATTZ O CTIONAL WITH THE OUTSTANDING TEAM IN DISTRICTS ONE, TWO, FOUR WILL BE HELD AT THE PALESTRA IN PHILADELPHIA ON FRI> TURDAY MARCH 17 AND 18 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF H. JAMISON F THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE WESTERN SECTIONAL WITH THE OUTSTANDING TEAMS IN DISTRICTS FIVE, SIX, SEVEN AND EIGHT WILL BE HELD AT THE GOLDEN GATE EXPOSITION GROUNDS, SAN FRANCISCO} MONDAY AND TUESDAY MARCH 20 AND 21 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF JOHN BUNN OF STANFORD. The selection must be po most sport pretty wel THE WINNER IN of the teams playing in these sectional meets, of a necessity, stponed until late in the regular playing season. However, s writers will be able within the next week or so to tell 1 which team in their respective district is outstanding. THE EASTERN AND WESTERN SECTIONAL WILL MEET FOR THE NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP THE NIGHT OF MARCH 25 AT NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVAN STON; ILL. LONBORG. THE CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYOFF WILL BE IN CHARGE OF A.C. (DUTCH) The General Committee in charge of the tournament is composed of H.G. Olson, Ohio State University, Columbus, 0., chairmen; H.H. Salmon, Jre, 40 Wall-St., New York City; W.F. Chandler, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wise, and John Bunn of Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. or any additional information write or wire any of the above. Herewith is a list of states and NCAA schools in your district, also mem- bers of the Selection Committee for the district. ee] 304 Clark Hall Melrose 0630 ¢ ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SEATTLE February 26, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fogg: Your letter of the 20th has been received. I am going to experiment with the twelve-foot basket just as som as our season closes this weekend. Early next week I am going to have two baskets elevated in our Intramral gymesium for the purpose of experimenting on my own behalf in order that I may have some practical experience in discussing this idea at the Rules Comittee meeting. Since I have boys who range in height from five feet, eight inches to six feet, five inches, I should be able to get an idea as to the difference that height may make under a twelve-foot basket. U. S. C. has already won the Southern Division conference championship. University of Oregon has lost four games and has four yet to play on the road with Idaho end W. S. C. Oregon State has lost three; they have two more to pley here this week- end. Naturally, we look forward with some hope of bumping them off. Qur record is not impressive, but we have beaten every other team at least once or twice so we remain hopeful. Either of these two Oregon teams could win or the race could end in a tie. Very truly yours, BA CE:GR C. S. Edmundson Basketball and Track Coach University of Washington SECOND ANNUAL N.CeAsAe BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT COMMITTER 1940 He He Salmon, Jre, 40 Wall Ste, Now Yori, MeYe John Bumn, Stenford University, Califomia Drs Forrest Cs Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Konge Be Te Grover, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio | He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio = Chairmen, NeCeAcie Basketball Tournament. Selection Camnittees District Nos 1 (conprising imine, New Hanypshire, Vermont, Massa~ ~~" @husetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut): Summer Dele, Comme State College, Stors, Comme, chai. rman. ‘Sabin C. Abel, Graduate Mgrs, Unive of Vermont, Burlington, Vteo Wesley Fesler, Harvard University, Cambridge, “nase District Nos 2 (comprising New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, ~~ Pelaware, West Virginia), Ce & Bilheimer, Athletic Director, Gettysburg College, Gettys~ ‘burg, Pas, chairman. Lewis P, Andreas, Basketball Coach, Syracuse University, 7 Syracuse, Nels Howard Gs Cann, Basketball Coach, New York University, N.Y. City Clarence Overend, Athletic Director, Carnegie Institute of Teolmology, Pittsburgh, Pas Warl Re Yeomans, Athletic Director, Tanple University, Phila» — delphia, Pas | District Noe 3 (comprising Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, ~~ forth Carolina, South | Kentucky, Tennessee, Misse issippi, Louisiana, Georgia, e oxida) Curtis Parker, Centemary College, Shreveport, Las, chairman — Roy Munderff, Georgie School of Technology, Atlanta, Gas denes Weaver, Yake ForestCollege, Wake Forest, Ne Ce District Nos 4 (Comprising Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Mizmesota): | . Kemeth L. Wilson, Northwestern University, Evanston, Tll., chairman We 5, Chandler, Marquette University, Milweukes, Wisconsin Paul 9, Hinkle, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana George E. Keogan, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indianse District Noe 5 (comprising Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, ROMSES, Nebraghn, Iow., Oklahoma) Dre He He Kenseas State College, Menhetten, Kansas, chairman Clyde B. McBride, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mos 5, O. Williams, Drake University, Des Moines, Iow. Re Edwards, ‘hivarsity of Missouri, Columbia, Moe Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase ae tee (comprising Tems, Arizona, Arimnsas) e Clair, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, chairman De Xe Bible, University of Temes, Austin, Temas He Re MeQuilian, Toms Ae & Me, College Station, Texmse Ce ees Tyomings New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Forrest Be Cox, University of Colorado, Boulder, Coloe, chairman Re Je Gilmore, Colorad College, Colorado Springs, Coloe Ee Le (Dick) Ramey, Utah State Agric. College, Logan, Utah District Noe 8 (comprising California, Oregon, Yashingtm, Idaho, Jom We bum, Stenford University, Calif., cheiyman Morris H. Gross, San Diego State College, San Diego, Calif. Je Fred Bohler, Washington State College, Pullman, Washington. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Complete List of Comittee Menbers: — = = Fo Ce Allen, University of Kansas, ' Lawrence, Kansas» John Browm, Jie, 547 Madison Aves, New York, NoYes John Bunn, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Californias Forrest Cox, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado | Jo He Crockery, Unive of Western Ontario, London, Onte, Canadas. Me Ce Curmingham, High School, Desloge, Missouri « Sumner Ae Dole, Connecticut State College, Storrs, Corme Je Mark Geod, Sun-Gazette Cos, Williamsport, Pa. Be Je Hickox, Springfield College, Springfield, Masse As Pe Jefferess, 114 Carrick AVC ea, Frank Pe Maguire, Depte of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pae He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker, Centenary College, Shreveport, Las He Ve Porter’, il Be LaSalle Ste, Chicago, Tllinoise Floyd As Rowe, Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Je We St. Clair, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas e He Hy Salmon, Jrre, 40 Vall Ste, New York, Nes Oswald Tower, Andover, Masse Publication Committees Oswald Tower, chairman John Bunn Je He Crocker He Ve: Porter Floyd Ae Rowe He He Salmon, Je Research voeeu eee: en, Chairman John Bum Be Je Hickox Curtis Paster He Ve Porter Floyd Ae Rowe rmeire Committee: EES, ee = " dymen Fe Ce Allen Je Mark Good Ae He Jefferess He Ge Olsen Ofwald Tower Games Administration Committee: ‘Sumner Ae Dre John Brown, Jie Me Ce Cunmninghan Je Me Ste “lair Dre Forrest C. Allen is a mauber of the following camitteos: National Assooiation of Basietball Coachess -. Basteotbal] Rules Comittee , Tournament and Olympie Comulttee Convention Committee (chairman) Nationnl Basketball Cormittes of the Ue Se and Camda: Research Comittee (chaimman) Questionnaire Cormittee General Committee for NeCeigis Basketball Tournament Dist. #5 Selection Camittoc NeCsishe