THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director November 14 i. 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog"s I am in receipt of a letter from President Owens of the NeCeA-Ae in which he has enclosed a letter from a Mr. Gilmore, Secretary of the Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference. Gilmore had suggested in this letter to Major Griffith that District 7 has its own elected executive committee which would be empowered to cooperate in making the district selection. Gilmore said in his letter, “We feel that this committee might be the logical group either to make the selection or to designate the persons who should. The basketball rules member for district 7 is coach of the team which is likely to be an important contender.” President Owens, in his letter, says this - "If it is pos= sible to cooperate with this group in some way with selections in this district, I feel that it would be well to do so as we need all the support we can get in the various districts in the building up of this tournament. I do not think it would be necessary to designate this committee as the final selecting authority but if, without serious interference with your plans, they could be asked to cooperate it might prove helpful." I am writing to you to get you reaction to Owens’ suggestion and also to ask if you won't take a major part in the making up of all our committees. You know as well as anybody else what we were trying to do last year = maybe we were following the correct procedure, in your judgment, and maybe not. At any rate, the time is here when we should be setting up definitely the selection committees in all our districts, and what I am trying to tell you is that I am going to lean on you rather heavily in this comnection. In the first place, you have both the Western playeoff and the final game on your hands. Secondly, I know there is nobody in the whole business more interested in seeing this tournament blossom out in a real way this season. I have written "June" Salmon several times in connection with tournament business but so far I have not been able to get a reply from hin. There was one thought expressed in the N.C.A.A. Executive Committee meeting in New York early this Summer and that was, generally speaking, committees which operate tournaments such as ours might well