December 8, 1939. lite Le We St» John, Director of Athletics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohios Year Saints basketball over in a big way from the N.CAsAs standpoint, but fran ell angles so far as university and college ade ninmistration is coneerncde The outlook appears to be very promising for a bumper crowi and increased interest in the game. | i wrote an article for the Associated Press about Dre Neisuith at a time when I we extremely busy getting ready to leave for Cleveland. I am enclosing a copy of the letter 1 have received from Harold Cleassen, regional sports editor of the Aes, from Kansas City. With this offer of reciprocity on his part we are going to ask him to boost the NeCereie tournament in all of his A.B. seteups, and I believe he will do it because I did this thing for hime With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Directed of Physical Fducation and Recreation FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches