THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF Puysicat EpucATION L. W. St. Joun, Director December 4,1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: The National Collegiate Athletic Association has sponsored the second annual National Basketball Championship and has further- more, on the recommendation of “Phog" Allen and He G. Olsen, made plans to hold the National Championship as well as the regional tournament in Kansas City. The Western Conference has voted support of this tournament, so far as Ne Ce Ae As District #4 goes, and has made it possible for the Western Conference to be represented in the tournament. -I hope that District #5 will enthusiastically and loyally support the tournament and cooperate with "Phog" Allen and H. G. Olsen in every possible way. Cordially and sincerely yours, Le W. Ste John 6 ee: “Fy <7 . LWS : dmf Director of Athletics bo Rp A) ; ; we LY fi oe > $ ¢ /] a: er —-* ae 7 ca = 4 oo ar i a a = c L_— ‘ qo al ¥ AO a € a : ( 4 | f & _f — Came 4» ; —~. za Pe t yy yo i if ge: oe a —— ’ d _ See ~ a = yn os g { Es” —— Srennge nest Jp} _ “y festa et 2 eg 5 ; \ Z . ¢ 2 2 Cc ~~, a - eT f 4 2 : ¥ : - Jw “ > oO Ce, o ) Ss ) 4) ae fru’ ee oe Cai” Se. % - ae .— “se