for a amall percentage of the N.CwAsis tournament rece ptse I em sending you copies of two letters that I have written « _ @ne to Heck Edmmdson and one te Butch Grover, end I believe you and i now will have to keep the wires and the eir mail hot in premoting © this tournement one lumdred per conte yrrethngg tattered hes yes egaged Slips nant P oisngponraiiec, upen me in this tournmmente Well, Ole, I heve never let dow on any~ one in my life, and I em as anxious es you are to see this tournament neke a great success thig yeare We have ee ee not engineer it correctly then it will be somebody's fmerale So I. want you to keop hounding me, but I am going to to beat you to it om all the preparetions that I possibly can. I am talcing you at your aed esd tx going 40 watever te do & grest Sede : Ole, I also went to Imow in regard to our Fifth District play-off. Of course, we vill have ome between the Lig Six and the iissouri Valley Conferences, and I an wondering if the National Association of Basketball Coaches expected any money fren the district e Our committee will soon be forced to meet, as our tentative date is on the 15th of larch for our District play-off. Bi Now, in regard te the four eastern districts. I haven't seen a line in the papers regarding any of their set-upse Won't you write me and let me kmow so that I can write the possible wimers for publicity mterial, glosses, and so forth? It looks as if the west coast is pretty well set with UsS.C.3 the Southwest Conference looks like Texas, and the Rocky Mourtein Conference looks like Colorado; and ow district looks like Oklahanae Missouri and Kansas just have en outside chance, but I am afraid they are going to be so far outside that they will do no goods