COPY WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahoma February 7, 1940. Dre Fe Se Allen, University of Kansase Please advise by Western Union when dates of NeCeheAe intercollegiate basketball tournament are schedulede Important that I know immediately. Not for publication if you so desiree Joe Mayfielde ' REPLY Happy to have your wire. Dates have previously been amnoumced through press several times. National Collegiate semixfinels Kansas City Merch 22=25. Finals Kansas City March 30. Netional Basketball Coaches Association and National Basketball Rules Committee meetings March 28 to April 1; also Netional Basketball Officials Associations, Play~off between Missouri Valley and Big Six to determine Mifth District representative March 15, either Oklahoma City or Kansas City depending upon outcome of conference raceg preferebly Oklahans Citys Regardse Porrest | Ce. Allen (Collect dayletter)