Pe in ii ii le is te Hay ta ii fs sa i af lef ci on eu i “. I ih le I Ure Co Be iellyide, 4 al Hit : ii 43 é + i; ie if he if i i i ie in , _ il ii Hi 5 ipl tee i Wal ily | Ht 5 that it ke di tf Ni i! ! it 1e, Kansas March 15, 1940 sis tha So: ails Ohio University, Athens, Chloe Dear "Butoh™s | _ Bamediately upon receipt of your — letter this morning I got in touch with Mre He Roe Bartle, of Kensas City, who has kindly consented to be our principal speaker at the Coaches Assoc- iation bampuste — ee es ae eee Scien: Cae a oo ee sciitaedes ut nee Cou oe ae and a real spellbinder on the pliatforme He is a real head- tkuar, + eb Wa TR AL Geo Ot adh . Jinmy Conzelman is a great fellow, and if we could get him for save song specialty it would be fines ligwaver, I fecl we are very Sprvante in securing ir» Tartles - _ Chairman, Convention Comittee. B. T. GROVER, OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT THE NATIONAL Asso DR. JAMES A. NAISMITH, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HONORARY PRESIDENT OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS B. T. GROVER, President Nat. HOLMAN, First Vice-President NELSON NORGREN, Second Vice-President EVERETT DEAN, Third Vice-President EpDwWarpD J. Hickox, Secretary-Treasurer FRANK W. KEANEY, Editor BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. S. CHANDLER MarsH DIEBOLD W. H. BROWNE AL. LENTZ EDITOR OF BULLETIN FRANK W. KEANEY, State College, Kingston, R. I. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE BuairR GULLION, Cornell University, Chairman OsBORNE COWLES, Dartmouth College Karu J. LAWRENCE, Allegheny College Witu1aM Lancs, North Carolina University ELMER LAMPE, Georgia University D. C. Morrett, DePauw University LioyD BRAZIL, Detroit University FRANK Root, Kansas State A. E. Haytet, Doane College JacK Gray, Texas University G. P. DAHLBERG, Montana State H. A. Hopson, Oregon University BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Don Wuit#, Connecticut State, Chairman Forrest C. , Kansas University Sam Barry, Southern California JOHN B. FRIEL, Washington State E. A. KELLEHER, Forhdam University GrorcE Kxroaan, Notre Dame University Warp _C. LAMBERT, Purdue University JOHN LAWTHER, Pennsylvania State DALE Lasu, Wesleyan University JOHN Mausr, Tennessee University Roy M. Munporr, Georgia Tech. Gus TEBELL, Virginia University JOHN TRUESDALE, Grinnell College COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE C. B. Hoy, South Dakota University, Chairman JAMES BAKER, South Dakota State E. S. Hickey, Creighton University J. W. Hutton, Hamline University JOSEPH LAPCHICK, St. Johns University RouuiE F. WILLIAMs, Iowa University VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Nat. Hotman, City College, N. Y., Chairman W. H. Browns, Nebraska University EveRETT DAN, Stanford University HAROLD E. FOSTER, Wisconsin University Cuuck TAYLOR, Converse Rubber Co. RESEARCH COMMITTEE GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University, Chairman H. C. CARLSON, Pittsburgh University EVERETT DEAN, Stanford University BLamR GULLION, Cornell University HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE CLIFFORD WELLS, Logansport High, Chairman CoRNEY COLLINS, Omaha South High H. T. McCo.Loue, Crawfordsville High JoHN TRACY, St. Ignatius High, Chicago OFFICIALS COMMITTEE Forrest Cox, Colorado University, Chairman W. J. FERGUSON, St. Josephs College, Pennsylvania Ray OostineG, Trinity College, Connecticut E. L. Romney, Utah State CONVENTION COMMITTEE ForrEst C. ALLEN, Kansas University, Chairman GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University H. W. Browne, Nebraska University CONVENTION DISPLAYS E. A. KELLEHER, Fordham University, Chairman TOURNAMENT AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE H. G. OLson, Ohio State University, Chairman F.C. , Kansas University JOHN W. Bunn, Stanford University PRESS COMMITTEE Pavut D. HINKLE, Butler University, Chairman ' NAT. HOLMAN, CITY COLLEGE, N. Y.. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT CA A SLL 7? 4 2.0 FM sem eee eS: ° 4,9 enone wae oy EDWARD J. HICKOX, SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE SECRETARY-TREASURER March 11, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I hope that you did not misunderstand my tele- gram of Saturday suggesting that it might be possible to secure the president of Ohio University as a speaker at our banquet at Kansas City. When I received your letter Saturday morning stating that you were under the assumption that I was to secure the speaker for this banquet I was not a little surprised. I had written you several weeks ago stating that if you would accept the appointment, I would gladly leave the selection of the speaker for the banquet entirely in your hands. I suggested also that you secure some one from that territory that could do us a good job and in this way the expense would be minimized. You indicated in your communication of Saturday that you have tried several men and that they are not available for this date. My suggestion of the possiblity of our president was due to the fact that the time is now so short, and I was just reaching for the last straw as I saw it. I feel now that the matter must be left in your hands just to do the best you can. I do not know any one other than men from this section whose expenses would be too large for such a trip. You suggest in your wire of Saturday that I talk the matter over with my board. As you know our board is scattered all over the United States and to get a vote from them would take entirely too much time to give a person sufficient time to prepare to talk on this occasion. What would you think of Jimmie Counselman, former director of football at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.? If it is entertainment they want, I think he could do a good job. I hope that you will be able to think of others and will be able to select a man. Whoever you select will be entirely satisfactory with me. I will forward our program to you within the It looks as though we might have Saturday Could we arrange for some sightseeing next week. afternoon free. B. T. GROVER, OHIO UNIVERSITY DR. JAMES A. NAISMITH, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NAT. HOLMAN, CITY COLLEGE, N. Y. PRESIDENT HONORARY PRESIDENT FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ns THE NATIONAL ASSOGIA SKETBALL COACHES EDWARD J. HICKOX, SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE SECRETARY-TREASURER OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS B. T. GRovER, President \ j Nat. HOLMAN, First Vice-President Dr. Forrest C. Allen Page 2 March 11, 1940 NELSON NORGREN, Second Vice-President EVERETT DEAN, Third Vice-President EDWARD J. Hickox, Secretary-Treasurer FRANK W. KEANEY, Editor BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. S. CHANDLER Marsh DreBoLp tours for that time? When I forward the program to you W. H. BROWNE VAL. LENTZ : EDITOR OF BULLETIN you can see for yourself the amount of time we should FRANK W. KEANEY, State College, Kingston, R. I. have left. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE BLAIR GULLION, Cornell University, Chairman - OsBoRNE CowLEs, Dartmouth College Looking forward to seeing you on the 28th, Kar J. LAWRENCE, Allegheny College W1uL1aM Lanag, North Carolina University I am, ELMER LAMPE, Georgia University D. C. MorFrett, DePauw University LuioyD BRAZIL, Detroit University FRANK Root, Kansas State A. E. Hay et, Doane College 7 JacK GrAy, Texas University G. P. DAHLBERG, Montana State H. A. Hopson, Oregon University BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Don WHITE, Connecticut State, Chairman ForREsT C. ALLEN, Kansas University Sam Barry, Southern California JOHN B. FRIEL, Washington State E. A. KELLEHER, Forhdam University GEORGE KEOGAN, Notre Dame University Warp C. LAMBERT, Purdue University JOHN LAWTHER, Pennsylvania State DALz LasH, Wesleyan University JOHN MAUER, Tennessee University Roy M. Munporr, Georgia Tech. BTG da Gus TEBELL, Virginia University JOHN TRUESDALE, Grinnell College COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE C. B. Hoy, South Dakota University, Chairman JAMES BAKER, South Dakota State E. S. Hickey, Creighton University J. W. Hutton, Hamline University JOSEPH LAPCHICK, St. Johns University ROLLIE F. WILLIAMS, Iowa University VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Nat. HoLMAn, City College, N. Y., Chairman W. H. Browns, Nebraska University EVERETT DEAN, Stanford University HAROLD E. FOSTER, Wisconsin University Cuuck TAYLOR, Converse Rubber Co. RESEARCH COMMITTEE GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University, Chairman H. C. CARLSON, Pittsburgh University EVERETT DEAN, Stanford University BLAIR GULLION, Cornell University HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE CLIFFORD WELLS, Logansport High, Chairman CorNEY COLLINS, Omaha South High H. T. McCo.LoucGu, Crawfordsville High JOHN TRACY, St. Ignatius High, Chicago OFFICIALS COMMITTEE ForREST Cox, Colorado University, Chairman W. J. Fercuson, St. Josephs College, Pennsylvania Ray Oostine, Trinity College, Connecticut E. L. Romnny, Utah State CONVENTION COMMITTEE ForrESsT C. ALLEN, Kansas University, Chairman GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University H. W. Browne, Nebraska University CONVENTION DISPLAYS E. A. KELLEHER, Fordham University, Chairman TOURNAMENT AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE H. G. OLson, Ohio State University, Chairman F. C. ALLEN, Kansas University JOHN W. BUNN, Stanford University PRESS COMMITTEE PauL D. HINKLE, Butler University, Chairman Very truly your November 8, 1938 Mr. H. G, Olsen Department of Physical Education The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear "Oles:" Thank you very much for your letter of November 5, I am glad to see that the plans for the national basketball tournament are crystallizing. I shall be very glad, as 1 wired you yesterday, to act as chairman for the eighth district. Would it be possible, however, to choose more than two represen- tatives for my committee? You see, the eighth district covers so much territory and so many different types of schools that it is hardly possible to get adequate representation without enlarging the committee, In addition is it possible for this com- mittee, when it is selected, to make its own decisions concerning the method of choosing a district represen- tative? The feeling here now is that it may be desir- able to have a tournament for this purpose. _ - shall await your cecision on these two ooints before taking any further steps. May I also suggest that a date for the final play-off be set as soon as possible? With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EpucaTION y ‘ THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS L. W. St. Joun, Director hye of ? November 5, 1938 (Nin sear & iy" Ap ea as ie “C44 Mr. John W. Bunn an of Men ‘Stanford University Stanford University, Calif. Dear John: I am enclosing a brief outline of the plans for the basketball tournament as we have been thinking about them. Please give me the benefit of your reactions to the seme. I very much hope you aren't so tied up in your new work but what you can agree to serve as chairman of the selection committee in district #8 and I would hope that you would not only agree to serve but that you _ would select two men to serve with you on this committee just as soon as possible, because the sooner we get going on this job the better chance we have of making it a fine tournament. If you will pardon the suggestion as to the makeup of your se= lection committee, I would suggest that it might be smart to pick somebody from the Northern part of your district, somebody, for example, like Fred Bohler and then someone from down around the Los Angeles areae This se= lection committee, as you no doubt understand, will be charged with the task of picking arbitrarily on the basis of records and, perhaps, personal observation by the members of your committee, the team best qualified to represent district #8 in the play-offs and, of course, the more standing your committee men have personally, the better the chance that its se= lection will be well received. There is a disposition on the part of the committee men in several of the districts to put on this selection committee one newspaper man and I see no objection to such a procedure, provided the selection is a good onee Of course, if there is one newspaper man then by all means the other man should be definitely an N.C.A.4. man, although not necessarily an active coach of basketball. I will hope to hear from you by wire that you will act as chairman and I should like to have you also wire me the names and addresses of the other two men you select to serve with you just as soon as you have made your choice, because I want to release any publicity regarding tournament plans from here just as soon as the committees have been set up in all the districts. With kindest regards, I am Very. sincerely yours, G Utsen Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee PeS. Please give my very best to Everett Dean. - NeCeAeAe BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Such thinking as has been done up to tho present time with respect to the NeCeAsA. Basketball Championship Tournament has been along these lines. 1. There should be a selection committec appointed in each NeCeAeAe district. This committeo would be charged with the responsi= bility of selecting the bost NeCeAeAe toam in that district. It sooms that wherever possible this selection should be made arbitrarily with= out any playeoffs. 2, Whon the tcams to represent cach district have beon selected, the teams ropresenting tho four districts East of the Mississippi Rivor, that is, districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, will get together at some desirable point to play a four team straight climination tournament to decide the toam which will go imto the finals to mect a team similarly selected from the four districts West of the Mississippi. Those two toams would play a final game for the NeCeAeAe Basketball Championship of America at a place to be selocted lator. Tho reason for such a curtailed program is to keep at a minimum the objections which will always be raised to any post»season play by individual schools or conferences. The plan briefly outlined abovo, it is felt, comes closest to eliminating such objoctions as time away from school, etce, and can be carried out with a minimum of travel expenses THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director April 19 ; 1939 Dr. Forrest ©, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": I am anxiously awaiting your letter with the report on what the share of the N.C.A.A. will be in the play-off in your district. Unfortmately, we are in desperate need of that contribution in this tournament set-up inasmuch as there was no overage at San Francisco; the Bastern play-off was a little behind as well as the finals in Chicago. Unquestionably we have to have another set-up next does Fo . year so as to insure financial as well as attendance success. oe The more I think about it the more I am convinced your suggestion / 7 - of Kansas City is the one to which we should turn. oF ( ch BESS At any rate please get that check from Oklahoma just as soon as you can and send it on to me so I can make my final report. ‘ 4 Kindest regards. 3 d Very sincerely yours, ; c. : Cte | He Ge Olsen q HGO:M Basketball Coach 1 4 } Air Mail | Special Delivery id hipaa ee THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcAL EDUCATION L. W. Sr. Joun, Director Apri 1 3, 1939 } sai ikl Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": I am anxious to complete my report as Chairman of the Tournament Committee at the earliest possible moment. Won't you please contact the man who has in his care the net proceeds from the play-off in District #5 and send me, just as soon as possible, the proceeds which are coming to the NeC.A.A. on the basis of 20% participation as mentioned in my previous letter to you? Would be deeply grateful if you could hurry this matter up as much as possible. Kindest regards. Very sincerely yours, te He Ge Olsen HGO:M Basketball Coach Air Mail Special Delivery ii a > mm : A i Citebase ect ee ih SS ot a fi ae a) ina : April 4, 1959. , i's ‘Hs Gu Ginn, Snalestinis Conch, Ohic State lhiversity, Columbus, Ohioe Dear Mre Olsens Your letter of April 3 addressed to Dre Allen has just arriveds posi g ta gach are Francisco attending the national on of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreations He will returm to the office on Monday, April 10th. Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allens ALBANY ATLANTA BALTIMORE BOSTON BRIDGEPORT BUFFALO CHAMPAIGN .. CHICAGO diag 1A DIVISION e@ SPALDING SALES CORPORATION ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT 219 NORTH BROADWAY SPORT CLOTHING OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. April 28, 1939 CINCINNATI Dr. Forrest C. Allen CLEVELAND COLUMBUS University of Kansas DALLAS _ DEL MONTE Lawrence, Kansas DENVER DES MOINES DETROIT HEMPSTEAD Dear Sir: HOUSTON INDIANAPOLIS KANSAS CITY LAKE PLACID Replying to your letters of April 26, to Mr. Bus Ham LOUISVILLE and Mr. Earl Jones, wish to advise that during Mr. Jones MEMPHIS MILWAUKEE absence from the city Mr. Ham asked that I kindly send MINNEAPOLIS NEWARK you the attached itemized statements made out in NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK longhand covering your expense account to the National OMAHA Intercollegiate basketball tournament in Yklahome City. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH PORTLAND ROCHESTER Thanking you kindly, we are SACRAMENTO ST. LOUIS ST. PAUL SALT LAKE CITY SAN ANTONIO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SEATTLE SPOKANE SYRACUSE TOLEDO WASHINGTON * AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE BRISBANE LAUNCESTON ELBOURN PERTH EJ: LC SYDNEY BELGIUM BRUSSELS CANADA VANCOUVER ENGLAND BIRMINGHAM BRIGHTON BRISTOL LEEDS LIVERPOOL LONDON MANCHESTER SOUTHSEA FRANCE PARIS IRELAND BELFAST SCOTLAND EDINBURGH GLASGOW SOUTH AFRICA JOHANNESBURG Yours very truly, A, G. Spalding & Bros. Div. Spalding Sales Corporation Fe Mees (Gorey | U Secretary ecevE) is ! UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS . : LAWRENCE APR 13 1939 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL N / Zz A. G. SPALDING & BROS: oy opd re 79 oe oo E i 2 4 . / OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. a : Ae ee re /be 0 \ A Wer é FZ pale CLeke /[0 ma @6 2 (6.68 IS Q Atte At Car /o IES he Neaay Tae Milage en GT. ze Drasradalr -mssbee 15a Te 7 ld oe Cafes PE i uate. Zaki Tate KE Ravwree > Obhe Oty —- RE RULE Tan ae 8 AIT RR Ptlmaee Lave Ty OL Cy Wy Linn "mae 1-1 a 48 eae RMP ne” IF Trew a” Cel dew Cli» FR Assr § #o PIAS ig Gee. oe 386 trzbe Hor.Jo A IEIMED Bde 6 Knuth Efe, 1Rerhorsrr® ate, eS Phe ti Ohta Oly 265+ IBrist - co Fheus th Japeta Fe. joe : Rat Waele a - ot 3.Je 4/125 . fp Phase} Hlageaphf esd Cpe Suse jae 7 fo. (26) THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director December 6, 1938 Mr. John Bunn Dean of Men Stanford University Stenford University, Calif. Dear John: I am still waiting to hear from you regarding the makeup of the selection committee from the eighth district. I very much hope you can get this to me before long so we can make an announce} ment regarding the entire committee. I should like to get some information from you just as soon as you can get it to me = first of all, if we were to set the dates of March 10 and 11 for the play-offs at Kansas City, granting that we can get the big hall there, would those dates be okeh with the people in your district? In other words, will they have come pleted their regular schedules prior to that time? Second, what is your idea as to the proper place and the proper time to hold these , Play-offs? I have indicated the dates of March 10 and 11 at Kansas City because it seems those dates are the only ones on which we could get the big hall there. Now if it were to be held some place else, say Los Angeles, some other dates might be available. I am somewhat hazy about this whole matter and wish you would give me some guidance if you will. I rather feel that Kansas City im many respects is the ideal spot, however, you may feel that these games might better be played in Los Angeles or that they might be played in Denver, despite the handicap of altitude. Please let me hear from you concerning this. I have just had a call from "Phog" Allen at Lawrence, Kansas and he tells me that C. ®, McBride is willing to boost the N.C.A.A. Tournament, although he doesn't want to do so if it means any particular "fight" this year with the tournament which they have already set up for March 13818. He does feel, however, that the N.C.A.A. Tournament is & very proper one and one he would like to help put across. He has agreed to serve on the committee in the fifth district with Allen, George Edwards and John Truesdale. Now that "Phog" Allen's committee is all set up yours is the only one that we haven't organized so I very much hope I can hear from you very shortly both as to your come mittee appointments and as to these other questions which I have raised. One thing more « at our annual meetings in Chicago last weeke end, we secured the promise of the Western Conference coaches that if it should develop that one of the Conference teams should be selected to represent the fourth district, that they would cooperate wholes heartedly and compete, and in addition to that the Western Conference JeWeB. #2 December 6, 1938 directors agreed that if a Conference team would be selected that they would make it possible for them to compete by modifying the present limitation which they have on the number of games to be played by Con= ference teams. That clears the decks for us in this district. I em very hopeful that the Zastern Intercollegiate League will take a similar attitude and I wish you would take steps at once to see if you can get a simila itment from the Pacific Coast Conference. If we get all thesé big conferences behind the idea we can unquestionably “go places". Very sincerely yours, 2 *. = H. Ge Olsen Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee March 6, 1939, lip, H. Ge Olsen, Chairman, NCAA Basketball Tournament Comittee, The Ohio State University, Dear Ole: This will acknowledge your letter of March = in connection with the trophy for the western play- off. I suggest that we leave thie in the hands of the Exposition, They are interested in using some~ thing which will commemorate the Fair. You will recall that we had some conversation about this when you were oat here. In the contract, which is just now in my hands, we are making a provision for the selection of the trophy subject to the approval of our comriittee. TI would suggest that this 1s a better way to handle the affair out here. With respect to the finale in Chieage I think it would be fitting te use the N.C.A.A.s design. I would also think thet it would be wise to give each member of the team e memento ef the occasion. Since writing to you concerning the size of the squad I would aaaney® that wo make this uniform for both the play-offs and the final. If we de not then it will mean, in particular with respect to our western representa~« tive, that three members of the party mast be detached be- fore going to Chicago. We have run into some difficulty here in the Vest coneerning our tournament. The Pacific Coast Conference has resulted in a tie which necessitates a longer season. We cannot, of course, cha our dates of March 20 and 21. I am sure that some solution, even | it will not be the most satisfactory, will come out of it. With best wishes, I am Very cordis.iy yours, John Bunn, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Gerorce W. Ricutmire, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director 4 oo US. / oe A son as pot ote, the NeCeivde Tournament e | ik ik, Shen wilinne os a used in the NeCeAeds track x ot le 2 dailies tik ts inital sinin eininue the twelve members of each team which would participate in the final game at Chicagde Regarding the play-offs at San Franelseo and the Palestra, do you think we should give medale to the winning and also. the rummereup? Someone hae made the sugge: on that perhaps we might give ee eee eee imal game at Chicage and give ee oe on aoe Se ae ‘1 te ‘the winner and runnereup at playeoffs the two If you heve any cnet iabaitliaas Wane matter of ate 1 hope you will get then to ne at onoe Devsuse it i inp thet we place our order soon so that the medals will be rea te give outs Be you feel we should have, in addition to individual medals, Te ee Very sincerely yours, By Ge Olsen | Chairman, NeCedste Basketball BOOm Tournament Comzlttee | ¢=) 44 anes | ; i ; ised 27 Hf genet ae i Pope Mee slae is : ae eee ies ti] 4 a i HOPE ati. i ie li: a Hh py said: ris i fo, fy gE thn cs a salilts gn fit : iby is 3 ey i fase? ly aid ts i 3 maiye aed 33 tH i 5 i radetili gigi ft sail sfviite ie ailah 2 bie i i a i hs i Hie ne it Hf i Mi al i iil | aati Hi t ih a aie itt “Bots : i ili i ae i adie aN oe With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, | Chairmen, Sth District, NeCeAcAe FCA sAH Ente STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA February 28, 1959. Dre: Fe Ge ADEOA, Director of Physical Education, Varsity oe Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Doc": Your letter of February 25rd is most enlighten- ing. I can see now why the differences of opinions have arisen at a time when presumably all problems were settled. I have been working under the assumption that our general | committee was fully appraised of all procedures and deliber- ations and that final decisions had been made oy after all . had expressed their opinions. It therefore seems advisable that Igive you a full aceount of the conference with reference to the Western |. play-off. I was interested in this event for San Francisco for several reasons. NEA San Franciseo newspapers have .been interested in a college tournament for some time. I knew me could get their whole-hearted support. 2% The fair would make such an event a "natural" for this year. Se Since the final would certainly be somewhere in the middle west, it seemed pee to spread the two play-offs. 4. The tournament here in the west will be one of the greatest boons for our basketball. 5. The traveling distances, as we figured them, would not be any greater to San Francisco than to K..C. or to Texas. 6. To hold the tournament in the middle of the four districts would introduce the altitude element, which might prove somewhat of a handicap. ge STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA February 28, 19359. i br. BF, 6. Allen, { Page #2 7. In San Francisco there would not be any interference with any other tournament. All these reasons seemed to weigh logically in favor of San Francisco and were, I thought, sufficient for finally placing the tournament here. With reference to the date, because of the custon, since the Pacifie Coast Conference has been divided into a northern and a southern division for basketball competition, of a final play-off for the championship of the whole confer- ence, our season has never been completed until around the middle of March. The schedule in the northern division, due to its geography, will not permit a much earlier finish. This year the final play-off is scheduled for March 10, 11 and 13. Therefore the earliest possible dates for the western play-off would have been on March 17 and 18. We first set the play-off on these dates and then were forced to change to March 20 and 21 for reasons that will follow. ence Spee S05 Gals ig alin Fa A Gy mea Chad scabies ois, Since the tournament was in its first year and was, therefore, somewhat of an experiment I wanted to make sure that it went over successfully from a financial aspect at least. For this reason we solicited the Fair officials for the purpose of setting them to sponsor the event. This they agreed to do. 4 baie A RCS Ss The agreement set-up was that the Fair would under- ; write the event to the extent of paying the expenses of the ‘ four teams, plus an option of 50% of the gate after all expenses ; are paid. Expenses in this case, in addition to the traveling A expenses for the teams, were definitely defined. 3 Mr. Olsen and myself in conference with Fair officials, , and after consultation with the president of the N.C,.A.A., set 4 up the following arrangements for expenses of the teams: 4 1. Railroad fare and pullman on a second class ) basis for a party of 15. a Perv ttn a 2. $3.00 allowance per day,while en route. aS as Soh hed al a hata eae 8 ia ts a ac ae alae gi alld SS ET a SOR LL ADTs A SS RE STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA February 28, 1939. ; ils Drs F. GC, Alien, Page #3. WG ad 3. $5.00 during residence in San Francisco throughout the time of the tournament. After the arrangements were made it was found that the dates of March 17 and 18 would conflict with the 6-day bicycle race. Since the bicycle race dates were subject to a season schedule it was not possible to adjust them to the tourna- ment dates. This left the alternatives of running the tournament on an independent plan in the Civic Auditorium or changing the date to avoid the above mentidned oe The latter seemed AWS to be the better plan so the tournaments WiWere moved up to March 20-21 e wk PU sa a aa aa FS La pe ae al se A ot Now we are going ahead with arrangements on this basis. As soon as each district picks its team I hope they will rush to me full publicity material, together with a good supply of pictures. I can get some good hotel rates if the teams will all stay at the same place. However, unless I am iN directed by each team to make reservations, these details will : be left to the individual teams. Arrangements for practice courts can also be made if the desires of each team are made known. Mo 5th, 2 eRe ui i to t= let werk I am sending a copy of this letter to each of the districts west of the Mississippi with the hope that this will serve as a general information bulletin concerning the western play-off. I hope that this information, in turn, will be passed on to the teams that are chosen torepresent the districts. Very cordially yours, * # # ss is 4 ; « a . iB CC to H. G. Olsen - J. W. St. Clair - Willard Witte and W. B. Owens JB:B Memberships: Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, chairman; C. E. McBride, The Kansas City Star; John Truesdale, Grinnell Colleges George R, Edwards, University of Missouri. The chairman appointed Mr. Edwards as secretary of the committee. Preliminary discussion centered around the decision of athletic authorities of the University of Missouri who had just announced that the Missouri team, co-champions of the Big Six Conference, would not be permit- ted to compete in post-season play. Missouri's withdrawal left three other fifth district teams whose seasonal records qualified them as candidates for selection as district representatives. These teams are; the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Agriculture and Mechanical College, and Drake Univer- sity. The first is co-champion of the Big Six Conference, and the last two tied for first place in the Missouri Valley Conference. The chairman reported in detail of his efforts to obtain the feelings of the various schools and conferences toward a district elimina- tion tournament, and the moves he had made in administration of the play-off. It was agreed, without vote, that three teams only were worthy of considera~ tion but that none of these had made such an outstanding record that it could be named without further tests. ' Motion made by Mr. Truesdale and seconded by Mr. Edwards. "That the Fifth District representative to the tournament in San Francisco be the ‘ winner of a three-game play-off." Motion passed. — Motion made by Mr. Edwards and seconded by Mir. Truesdale: "That this play-off be held on a neutral court in the state of Oklahoma; the selec- tion of this court to be made by the chairman after further personal investi- gation." Motion passed. Tt was decided that the committee should pick a list of six competent officials. This list is to be submitted to the coaches of the teams involved who are to rate all six in the order of their preference. From these ratings the chairman is to select the two receiving the highest rating and to complete necessary arrangements as to the appoint~- ment of the selected men. It was agreed that the game officials should be paid the fee regularly given for conference games--$20.00 and necessary traveling expenses for each game they work. The list to be submitted by the committee chairman consisted of: : Parke Carroll, Kansas City, Missouri; Ted O'Sullivan, Kansas Gity, Missouris Earl Jones, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Carl Sears, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Carl Larson, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Bud Knox, Oscaloosa, Iowa. It was agreed that admission costs to these games should not be any higher than spectators have been charged for con= ference games. A resume of charges which have been made during the past season indicated that the average has been 55¢ for general admission and 75¢ for reserved seats. The committee set this schedule for any or all play-off games. Game ball. Big Six games have been played with sewed seam bas- ketballs while Missouri Valley Conference teams have been using moulded type balls. Motion made by Mr. Truesdale and seconded by ir. Edwards, "That both types of ball be used in play-off games——each ball being used for one half. The choice of which half either type is to be used belongs to the team winning in the toss of a coin." Motion passed. «Pa Playing Rules. The official basketball rules as adopted by the National Basketball Committee shall govern the play-off games. Rule 8 - Section 1 provides that by mutual agreement between teams a game may be played in quarters, This option is set aside by the committee and all play-off games will be played in halves. It was moved by iir. McBride and seconded by lir, Truesdale "That the chairman should act as administrative head of the play-off. He is to select dates after conference with all authorities involveds to attend to details of promotion; and to make any decisions necessary to the smooth operation of the games." Motion passed. It was agreed that in the event one team withdrew after the drawings were announced the play-off would be conducted between the two remaining teams. ‘The drawing was made by placing the names of the teams in a hat together with a blank slip. The drawing was made by lir. MoBride. he a result of the draw the first game will be | between Drake University and the Oklahoma Agriculture College. ‘The winner of this con- test will play the University of Oklahoma. Adjournment. George R. Edwards, Secretary 3 » ft 8 oLui .zemsg Yto-yslq edt avevog isda eetttmnod [isdtexteed Lanottsl edd od Yam emay & anset neewied dnomectgs Lamtim yd tad? eeblvorg [ mottos? — {is bas eetéimios edt yd ebfas ten at aoitgo aliT setetiamp at beyalg ssoviad at beyalg ed Iitw aemsy Yto~yalq Ww bebacowe bas ohio wl Savon saw 1 Sie thet of bentitn ot iabaaned aq nottoli *.nansy edt Yo aoitereqo dtooms ait of quanneoes ‘eshte sant ome dawre ot at fatt Soom aw #1 2 | 08 6 oan aon gatuand od Ip ah stoned bel cilaie olen moonted od Litw emsg text? edt watb edd Yo ¢iunes 5 ah shi wiiol noo aiid Yo soante ed? -egeLlod exudLuoirga smodali0 edd bas yttetevial -suodsliO to ytatevind edt yelq Litw tact Sot SE Pete ree pee ee iw * on ig as 4 Fai Ree RR rer th art a Ge AAP PDN TASES ER Le: 3 + vo