B. T. GROVER, OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT THE NATIONAL Asso DR. JAMES A. NAISMITH, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HONORARY PRESIDENT OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS B. T. GROVER, President Nat. HOLMAN, First Vice-President NELSON NORGREN, Second Vice-President EVERETT DEAN, Third Vice-President EpDwWarpD J. Hickox, Secretary-Treasurer FRANK W. KEANEY, Editor BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. S. CHANDLER MarsH DIEBOLD W. H. BROWNE AL. LENTZ EDITOR OF BULLETIN FRANK W. KEANEY, State College, Kingston, R. I. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE BuairR GULLION, Cornell University, Chairman OsBORNE COWLES, Dartmouth College Karu J. LAWRENCE, Allegheny College Witu1aM Lancs, North Carolina University ELMER LAMPE, Georgia University D. C. Morrett, DePauw University LioyD BRAZIL, Detroit University FRANK Root, Kansas State A. E. Haytet, Doane College JacK Gray, Texas University G. P. DAHLBERG, Montana State H. A. Hopson, Oregon University BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Don Wuit#, Connecticut State, Chairman Forrest C. , Kansas University Sam Barry, Southern California JOHN B. FRIEL, Washington State E. A. KELLEHER, Forhdam University GrorcE Kxroaan, Notre Dame University Warp _C. LAMBERT, Purdue University JOHN LAWTHER, Pennsylvania State DALE Lasu, Wesleyan University JOHN Mausr, Tennessee University Roy M. Munporr, Georgia Tech. Gus TEBELL, Virginia University JOHN TRUESDALE, Grinnell College COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE C. B. Hoy, South Dakota University, Chairman JAMES BAKER, South Dakota State E. S. Hickey, Creighton University J. W. Hutton, Hamline University JOSEPH LAPCHICK, St. Johns University RouuiE F. WILLIAMs, Iowa University VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Nat. Hotman, City College, N. Y., Chairman W. H. Browns, Nebraska University EveRETT DAN, Stanford University HAROLD E. FOSTER, Wisconsin University Cuuck TAYLOR, Converse Rubber Co. RESEARCH COMMITTEE GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University, Chairman H. C. CARLSON, Pittsburgh University EVERETT DEAN, Stanford University BLamR GULLION, Cornell University HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE CLIFFORD WELLS, Logansport High, Chairman CoRNEY COLLINS, Omaha South High H. T. McCo.Loue, Crawfordsville High JoHN TRACY, St. Ignatius High, Chicago OFFICIALS COMMITTEE Forrest Cox, Colorado University, Chairman W. J. FERGUSON, St. Josephs College, Pennsylvania Ray OostineG, Trinity College, Connecticut E. L. Romney, Utah State CONVENTION COMMITTEE ForrEst C. ALLEN, Kansas University, Chairman GEORGE EDWARDS, Missouri University H. W. Browne, Nebraska University CONVENTION DISPLAYS E. A. KELLEHER, Fordham University, Chairman TOURNAMENT AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE H. G. OLson, Ohio State University, Chairman F.C. , Kansas University JOHN W. Bunn, Stanford University PRESS COMMITTEE Pavut D. HINKLE, Butler University, Chairman ' NAT. HOLMAN, CITY COLLEGE, N. Y.. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT CA A SLL 7? 4 2.0 FM sem eee eS: ° 4,9 enone wae oy EDWARD J. HICKOX, SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE SECRETARY-TREASURER March 11, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I hope that you did not misunderstand my tele- gram of Saturday suggesting that it might be possible to secure the president of Ohio University as a speaker at our banquet at Kansas City. When I received your letter Saturday morning stating that you were under the assumption that I was to secure the speaker for this banquet I was not a little surprised. I had written you several weeks ago stating that if you would accept the appointment, I would gladly leave the selection of the speaker for the banquet entirely in your hands. I suggested also that you secure some one from that territory that could do us a good job and in this way the expense would be minimized. You indicated in your communication of Saturday that you have tried several men and that they are not available for this date. My suggestion of the possiblity of our president was due to the fact that the time is now so short, and I was just reaching for the last straw as I saw it. I feel now that the matter must be left in your hands just to do the best you can. I do not know any one other than men from this section whose expenses would be too large for such a trip. You suggest in your wire of Saturday that I talk the matter over with my board. As you know our board is scattered all over the United States and to get a vote from them would take entirely too much time to give a person sufficient time to prepare to talk on this occasion. What would you think of Jimmie Counselman, former director of football at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.? If it is entertainment they want, I think he could do a good job. I hope that you will be able to think of others and will be able to select a man. Whoever you select will be entirely satisfactory with me. I will forward our program to you within the It looks as though we might have Saturday Could we arrange for some sightseeing next week. afternoon free.