DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EpucaTION y ‘ THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS L. W. St. Joun, Director hye of ? November 5, 1938 (Nin sear & iy" Ap ea as ie “C44 Mr. John W. Bunn an of Men ‘Stanford University Stanford University, Calif. Dear John: I am enclosing a brief outline of the plans for the basketball tournament as we have been thinking about them. Please give me the benefit of your reactions to the seme. I very much hope you aren't so tied up in your new work but what you can agree to serve as chairman of the selection committee in district #8 and I would hope that you would not only agree to serve but that you _ would select two men to serve with you on this committee just as soon as possible, because the sooner we get going on this job the better chance we have of making it a fine tournament. If you will pardon the suggestion as to the makeup of your se= lection committee, I would suggest that it might be smart to pick somebody from the Northern part of your district, somebody, for example, like Fred Bohler and then someone from down around the Los Angeles areae This se= lection committee, as you no doubt understand, will be charged with the task of picking arbitrarily on the basis of records and, perhaps, personal observation by the members of your committee, the team best qualified to represent district #8 in the play-offs and, of course, the more standing your committee men have personally, the better the chance that its se= lection will be well received. There is a disposition on the part of the committee men in several of the districts to put on this selection committee one newspaper man and I see no objection to such a procedure, provided the selection is a good onee Of course, if there is one newspaper man then by all means the other man should be definitely an N.C.A.4. man, although not necessarily an active coach of basketball. I will hope to hear from you by wire that you will act as chairman and I should like to have you also wire me the names and addresses of the other two men you select to serve with you just as soon as you have made your choice, because I want to release any publicity regarding tournament plans from here just as soon as the committees have been set up in all the districts. With kindest regards, I am Very. sincerely yours, G Utsen Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee PeS. Please give my very best to Everett Dean. -