NeCeAeAe BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Such thinking as has been done up to tho present time with respect to the NeCeAsA. Basketball Championship Tournament has been along these lines. 1. There should be a selection committec appointed in each NeCeAeAe district. This committeo would be charged with the responsi= bility of selecting the bost NeCeAeAe toam in that district. It sooms that wherever possible this selection should be made arbitrarily with= out any playeoffs. 2, Whon the tcams to represent cach district have beon selected, the teams ropresenting tho four districts East of the Mississippi Rivor, that is, districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, will get together at some desirable point to play a four team straight climination tournament to decide the toam which will go imto the finals to mect a team similarly selected from the four districts West of the Mississippi. Those two toams would play a final game for the NeCeAeAe Basketball Championship of America at a place to be selocted lator. Tho reason for such a curtailed program is to keep at a minimum the objections which will always be raised to any post»season play by individual schools or conferences. The plan briefly outlined abovo, it is felt, comes closest to eliminating such objoctions as time away from school, etce, and can be carried out with a minimum of travel expenses