THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director December 6, 1938 Mr. John Bunn Dean of Men Stanford University Stenford University, Calif. Dear John: I am still waiting to hear from you regarding the makeup of the selection committee from the eighth district. I very much hope you can get this to me before long so we can make an announce} ment regarding the entire committee. I should like to get some information from you just as soon as you can get it to me = first of all, if we were to set the dates of March 10 and 11 for the play-offs at Kansas City, granting that we can get the big hall there, would those dates be okeh with the people in your district? In other words, will they have come pleted their regular schedules prior to that time? Second, what is your idea as to the proper place and the proper time to hold these , Play-offs? I have indicated the dates of March 10 and 11 at Kansas City because it seems those dates are the only ones on which we could get the big hall there. Now if it were to be held some place else, say Los Angeles, some other dates might be available. I am somewhat hazy about this whole matter and wish you would give me some guidance if you will. I rather feel that Kansas City im many respects is the ideal spot, however, you may feel that these games might better be played in Los Angeles or that they might be played in Denver, despite the handicap of altitude. Please let me hear from you concerning this. I have just had a call from "Phog" Allen at Lawrence, Kansas and he tells me that C. ®, McBride is willing to boost the N.C.A.A. Tournament, although he doesn't want to do so if it means any particular "fight" this year with the tournament which they have already set up for March 13818. He does feel, however, that the N.C.A.A. Tournament is & very proper one and one he would like to help put across. He has agreed to serve on the committee in the fifth district with Allen, George Edwards and John Truesdale. Now that "Phog" Allen's committee is all set up yours is the only one that we haven't organized so I very much hope I can hear from you very shortly both as to your come mittee appointments and as to these other questions which I have raised. One thing more « at our annual meetings in Chicago last weeke end, we secured the promise of the Western Conference coaches that if it should develop that one of the Conference teams should be selected to represent the fourth district, that they would cooperate wholes heartedly and compete, and in addition to that the Western Conference