March 6, 1939, lip, H. Ge Olsen, Chairman, NCAA Basketball Tournament Comittee, The Ohio State University, Dear Ole: This will acknowledge your letter of March = in connection with the trophy for the western play- off. I suggest that we leave thie in the hands of the Exposition, They are interested in using some~ thing which will commemorate the Fair. You will recall that we had some conversation about this when you were oat here. In the contract, which is just now in my hands, we are making a provision for the selection of the trophy subject to the approval of our comriittee. TI would suggest that this 1s a better way to handle the affair out here. With respect to the finale in Chieage I think it would be fitting te use the N.C.A.A.s design. I would also think thet it would be wise to give each member of the team e memento ef the occasion. Since writing to you concerning the size of the squad I would aaaney® that wo make this uniform for both the play-offs and the final. If we de not then it will mean, in particular with respect to our western representa~« tive, that three members of the party mast be detached be- fore going to Chicago. We have run into some difficulty here in the Vest coneerning our tournament. The Pacific Coast Conference has resulted in a tie which necessitates a longer season. We cannot, of course, cha our dates of March 20 and 21. I am sure that some solution, even | it will not be the most satisfactory, will come out of it. With best wishes, I am Very cordis.iy yours, John Bunn,