THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Gerorce W. Ricutmire, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director 4 oo US. / oe A son as pot ote, the NeCeivde Tournament e | ik ik, Shen wilinne os a used in the NeCeAeds track x ot le 2 dailies tik ts inital sinin eininue the twelve members of each team which would participate in the final game at Chicagde Regarding the play-offs at San Franelseo and the Palestra, do you think we should give medale to the winning and also. the rummereup? Someone hae made the sugge: on that perhaps we might give ee eee eee imal game at Chicage and give ee oe on aoe Se ae ‘1 te ‘the winner and runnereup at playeoffs the two If you heve any cnet iabaitliaas Wane matter of ate 1 hope you will get then to ne at onoe Devsuse it i inp thet we place our order soon so that the medals will be rea te give outs Be you feel we should have, in addition to individual medals, Te ee Very sincerely yours, By Ge Olsen | Chairman, NeCedste Basketball BOOm Tournament Comzlttee